S Both thefe (hips got under fail immediately after, and foon
left us far behind.
We palled through the northern part of the bay, between
Robben Ifland * and the main. This ifland is a barren
fandy fpot, where many murderers and other mifcreants-
are confined by order of the Dutch India Company,
Among them however there are fome unhappy victims to
the mercilels ambition of thefe merchants. We need only
mention the king o f Madure, who, deprived of his pofieflx-
ons, and driven to the greateft horrors of defpair, here
lingers out a burthenfome life, in the defpicable condition;
of a common Have f.
efcape who can,
When man's great foe-.aflumea the lhape of man. C umberl'Anit. .
On the 28th, in the morning, a man was- found concealed
in the hold, and proper enquiry being made, it
was difeovered that one of the quarter-mafters had
conduced him thither fome days before, and fliared his
daily allowance with him. His good-nature was punifhed
with a dozen laflies, and another dozen applied on the
* T h is is called Pinguin Ifland in Englifli charts..
f I forbear to repeat the horrid ftory o f this unfortunate monarch, which reflects'
indelible difhonour on his inhuman tormentors. It is indeed very fully and feelingly,
related in a,book little, known, intitled a. Voyage to the Eaft Indies, in 1747 and:
1748,. containing an account of St. Helena, Java, Batavia, the Dutch Government,
and o f C h in a ; interfperfed with anecdotes,, and illuftrated w ith . copper-plates.
8vo. London,. 1762«.
fir anger's
Granger’s back as a welcome. He was a native of his ma-
jefty’s German dominions, who having been kidnapped
into the Dutch Eaft India fervice, had applied to captain-
Cook to take him under his protection. But it being
deemed improper to protect all his majefty s fubjedts alike;
he had been reduced to the neceffity of coming on board by
Health, in order to efcape from a fervice to which he had
been unjuftly forced. He foon proved to be one of the
moft induftrious men in the whole (hip, and gave our crew
a- good idea of their Hanoverian fellow-fubjedts.
We (haped our courfe directly for the ifland of St. Helena,,
as foon as we had cleared the land about Table Bay. The
Dutton Indiaman kept company with us* her captain relying
on the fuperior accuracy o f our computations; it being
cuftomary with all India (hips, firft to run down the latitude,
and then to bear away for the ifland upon a parallel.
We made the ifland right a-head on the i yth of May, early
in the morning, and came to an anchor at midnight in the
ufual anchoring-place of James’s Bay. As we ran along the
fouth-eaftern fhore, we found it of a confiderable height,
and confifting of perpendicular porous rocks, o f a brown-
and blackifh colour, which in fome places appeared to be
hollowed out by the continual dafhing of. the waves againft:
* T h e defeription of thefe' cavities, in Dr. Hawkfworth’s Compilation, vol. I II. .
p 796, mnft he confidered as. a poetical, flight.
' 775-
A p r il ,
Monday 1 5»