ju«. proached it on the eaft fide, and then hauled clofe round the
IQe of Rats, which lies off its N. E. point, and looked into
the Bay of Remedios, which is furrounded by five forts,
fome on Fernando Noronha itfelf, and One on a rock
which lies off the N. E. end. The iftand appeared very
well wooded in all parts, and fome of its mountains had
much the appearance of being volcanic, though they were
covered with rich verdure, which did not fhew the lead;
marks of cultivation. The five forts in fight hoifted their
colours at once, and one of them fired a gun. We like-
wife hoifted our colours, fired a gun to leeward, and in-
ftantly putting about, flood away to the northward,
unday M. On the i I th we eroded the line, after fpending two
years and nine months to the fouth of it. The calms which
are ufual in its neighbourhood did not retard our courfe,
till we had gained near four degrees of north latitude, and
lafted from the 14th to the 18 th, when the N. E. trade-
wind fet in, after we had amufed ourfelves with catching
fome (harks and a porpelle, which the crew feafted upon. Of
a very numerous collection of live animals, which my father
had Collected at a great expence at the Cape of Good'
Hope, nearly one half perifhed before we reached thefe la-
J737- T h is map was publiflied with a view to prove, that certain IHoals (now
well known not to e x ift ) caufed the various currents obferved in that part o f the
fea ; and the tribe o f F rench philofophers have built many fyftems upon it, which
are confequently very ill fupported.
titudes. Being defirous of preferving the reft, he was jS hv
obliged to put himfelf to another expence, in order to ref-
cue them from the malice of the failors, who had (lily and
envioufly killed moft of thofe which he had loft before.
The trade-wind carried us out of the torrid zone in Friday 3o.
twelve days, and lafted us five days more ; the fun, which
commonly regulates the extent of this wind, being in the
northern liens. On the 4th of July we met with fqualls ffjj§|
and calms alternately ; and the next day had a dead calm,
which lafted undifturbed during two days, and was intermixed
with light airs for the two following days. The
latitudes where thefe calms chiefly reign, are named the
horfe-latitudes by mariners, who frequently erofs the ocean
from Europe to America, becaufe they are fatal to horfes
and other cattle, which are tranfported to the laft mentioned
continent ; inftances frequently happening, when the calms
have lafted a whole month without being interrupted, except
by light airs of a few hours duration.
Having obtained a fair wind on the 9 th, we diredted.
our courfe towards the Açores, commonly called the Weftern
Iflands in Englilh charts'; and on the 1 3 th, at four in the
afternoon, faw the lfland of Fayal. Early the next morn- Friday
ing we flood in for the land, and gradually came in fight
of the lofty lfland of Pico, of which the (kirts appeared to
be covered with verdure and habitations. Towards feven
we drew near the road or bay on the lfland of Fayal, where