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lectcd a different word to fignify the Iky; they appealed to
him, to know which of the two expreflions was right; he
prefently held out one hand, and applied it to one of the
words, then moving the other hand under it, he pronounced
the fecond word ; intimating that the upper was properly the
fky, and the lower the clouds which moved under it. He
likewife gave us the names of feveral iflands in the neighbourhood.
That from which we came to Tanna, and on
which captain Cook had an unhappy difference with the natives,
he called Irromanga. The low illand which we had
palfed in Handing in to this harbour he named Immer; a
high illand, which we had difcovered to the eaft of Tanna,
on the fame day, Irronan; and another to the fouth, which
we had not yet feen, Anattom. He fat down to dinner with
us, and tailed of our fait pork, but did not eat more than a
fingle morfel of it. Some yams, fried in lard, or limply
boiled, he relifhed better ; but he ate very fparingly upon
the whole, and finilhed his repaft with a fmall portion of
pye, made of dried and worm-eaten apples, which feemed to
be very agreeable to his palate. He alfo tailed a little wine
after dinner; but though he drank it without Ihewing any
dillike, he did not choofe to take a fecond glafs. His manners
at table were extremely becoming and decent; and the
only pradtice which did not appear quite cleanly in our eyes,
was his making ufe of a Hick, which he wore in his hair,
inftead of a fork, with which he occalionally fcratched
his head. As his hair was drelfed in the highelt falhion of
the country, la porc^pic, greafed with oil and paint, our
llomachs were fo much the more eafily offended ; though
Fanfibkko had not the leaft notion that fuch an adtion was
After dinner we walked about the decks with him, and
{hewed him different parts of the Ihip. He foon fixed his
eyes on one of our Taheitian dogs, which he called looga,
hog ; a fure fign that dogs are unknown in his country.
He feemed fo defirous of poffefling this creature, that captain
Cook made him a prefent of one of each fex. Befides
this, he received a hatchet, a large piece of Taheitee cloth,
fotfae fpike-nails, medals, and other trinkets of lefs value,
with which we carried him back to the Ihore, happy beyond
exprellion. As foon as he landed he left the beach with his
riches, and walked into the country to his home.
We took a walk to the eaffward along the Ihore of the
bay, and looked into the groves which Ikirted the flat hill,
of Which I have fpoken above. We found thefe groves to
confifb of coco-palms, and feveral fpecies of lhady fig-trees,
with eatable fruits, nearly of the fize of common figs. We
alfo obfcrvcd feveral fheds, under which fome of their
canoes were fecUred from the fun and weather; but there
were no habitations, except towards the eaftern point. We
were ftill above three hundred yards from thence, when a
great number of natives came and begged us not to go
Vol. II. P p farther;