>774* August.
Sunday j .
and other fiffi *i Paw-yangom feemed greatly defirous of
obtaining fotne of them; and we made him exceedingly
happy, by gratifying his defire. About funfet we returned
in high fpirits with our capture, it being a long time fince-
we had been able to provide a frefli meal for the whole fliip’s
The volcano which had played at lbng intervals in the
morning, entirely ceafed' its explofions in the afternoon.
The next morning, however, at four o'clock, it began to-
blaze up again; fome Ihowers of rain having fallen over
night. Its fires afforded us a moft pleafing and magnificent
fight. The fmoke, which flowly rolled up from time to-
time, in thick and heavy volumes, was coloured with all the
various hues of yellow, orange, crimfon, and purple, which
died away into a reddifh grey and brown. As often as a
new explofion happpened, the whole country, with its
fhaggy forefts, was tinged with the fame orange and purple,
according to its diftance, or particular expofure to the
volcanic light.
We landed after* breakfaft. The natives, who were
affembled in great crouds, though not near fo numerous as
-the day before, did not attempt to hinder our landing, but
immediately made way for us. Captain Cook however
* Particularly a fort common in the Weft Indies, and there called ten-
pounders (efox argent ms. N , S . )
found it neceffary to flretch ropes again on both fides, in
order to keep our back free from them. The greater part
ftill refufed to fell their arms; but fome were not fo ftridt,
and parted with both darts and fpears. My father gave
Paw-yangom a hatchet for the pig which he had received
the day before, and explained to him the ufe of it. He was
extremely well pleafed with it, and fliewed it to his countrymen.
Many of them made figns to us that they wanted
the fame prefent, which we promifed them, i f they would
bring us hogs ; but this offer was entirely unfuccefsful. A
tent was erefted this day, where Mr. Wales, the aftronomer,
made his obfervations. A few of the natives were in high
fpirits, and danced about, fhaking their darts at fome of our
people, but the reft remained very quiet. At noon captain
Cook returned on board with us, leaving the lieutenant of
marines with his men on fhore. We had not been long on
board, before we heard a mufket fired, and faw the natives
-difturbed. However, they were foon pacified, and returned
to their former ftation. All our people came off about
three of the clock, in order to dine on board. We then
heard that one of the inhabitants had offended the officer,
by making the fame unmannerly gefture with which we
had been challenged the day before. Upon -this he was
Ihot in the thigh, and made off into the woods. His countrymen
likewife prepared to run away, but their old people
pacified them.
»774« August
O o z The