il *775»
M arch.
Second.flay at the Cape of Good Hope.— Run from thence to the IJlande
of St. Helena and Afcenfion..
tuefday 11. T I T E found the Table Bay full of fhips at our arrival,
’ ’ amongft which was one Englifli Indiaman, the Ceres,
captain Newt. As foon as we were feen. in the entrance of
the bay, and known by our bleached rigging, and anti?,
quated appearance, captain Newt very politely fent one of
his mates with a boat load of the bell refrefliments, and'
with an offer of his affiftance in cafe our crew had been in
diftrefs. Having been fo long at fea, we were touched with
this generous conduit, and with no fmall degree of pleafure
and fatisfa&ion, felt ourfelves once more in. the company of
men. We landed foon after, and having paid our devoirs,
to the governor, and. the principal officers of the company,
retired to the houfe of Mr. Brand, where we were received
with that heartyi welcome, which always makes men forget
national characters, and convinces them, that real worth
is not confined to certain climates or nations. The weather
was' fo intenfely hot this day, that we did1 not remember
to have ever felt fuch a degree of heat in the courfe of
our whole voyage. Notwithftanding this, we dined, according
A V O Y A G E R O U N D T H E WORLD. 549
ing to the Dutch cuftom, at one o’clock, or during the time march.
of the greateft heat, and devoured our meal with a ravenous
appetite, which painted our pall diftreffes in more lively colours,
and, as it were, with greater efficacy, than all the
the powers of language. However, as it would have been
dangerous to our emaciated bodies to indulge our voracity
too far, we were content to rife from table with a good appetite.
We foon found the benefit of this proceeding, and
vifibly regained ftrength and healthy looks during our Hay
at the Gape.. The officers of the ffiip took lodgings on
Ihore the next day; but having negledted to take the fame
precaution, and eating immoderately at firft, were prefently
forfeited, and continued to labour under a want of appetite
and ficknefs, which made their fituation truly tantalizing.
Captain Cook fent two or three fcorbutic patients to the hof-
pital, thefe being the only perfons who were not able to do
their duty.' The reft were foon reftored to perfect health
by a conftant fopply of refrefliments, among which, a kind
of brown rye-loaves, and all forts of greens,, were doubt-
lefs the moft efficacious.
The pleafure of receiving fome intelligence from all thofe-
who were united to us -by the ties of blood and affection,
was inexpreffible ; and the fatisfaction of converting with,
Europeans, after our, long voyage, revived our fpirits, which
a thoufand incidents had confpired to deprefs. We paffedt
our time, very agreeably, and affiduoufly collected, from