finous fubftance flicking on the bony point of the arrow,
as well as the green earthy fluff which lodged in the compartments
formed by the coco-nut fibres, were fcraped off,
and laid into the wound, covered with a plafter, in order
to make the experiment as fair as pofiible. The dog, as I
have already mentioned, recovered as quickly as if nothing
had been laid into the wound.
Sunday 3.1. The next morning it was abfolutely calm again, and
many of our failors obferved, that the ifland before us was
certainly enchanted, becaufe our attempts to come near it
had hitherto failed. At prefent we faw the other ifland to
the fouth, which had been difcovered on the 28th, more
diflinctly than before. The nearer ifland feemed to be lefs
fertile and agreeable than thofe which we had hitherto difcovered
; it feemed, however, to be inhabited, which we
concluded on feeing a great fmoke rife from it. Our fitua-
tion was the more difagreeable, as it was tantalizing to be
in fight of land, and not to be able to approach it. Not-
withftanding its fuppofed barrennefs, which precluded the
hope of refrefhments, we were all very defirous of being
better acquainted with it. We never felt the tedioufnefs of
being confined to the fhip more feverely, nor ever wifhed
more eargerly to have intercourfe with human creatures.
The company of favages, and an opportunity of contemplating
their manners, dwellings and plantations, were at
prefent, in our eftimation, deferable objects. In the afternoon
noon two fharks were caught, which fwam about the fhip,
attended by pilot and fucking-fifhes. One of thefe huge
voracious animals feemed to be a fpecies of epicure, having
in his maw no lefs than four young turtles, of eighteen
inches in diameter, two large cuttle-fifhes, and the feathers
and fkeleton of a booby ; but though he was well fed, he
did not difdain a piece of fait pork, with which we baited
our hook. The failors had no fooner hauled them on deck,
than every one drew his knife, and in a few moments
divided them into fmall pieces, which they hafiened to drefs,
and to devour. One of the fharks making fome refiftance
in hauling up, was fhot dead by our officers, who were
equally concerned with the reft of their fhipmates to prevent
his efcape. In this manner we revenged the caufe of
the whole fubmarine creation. Salt provifions are more
loathfome in hot climates than every where elfe, which is
partly owing to the raging thirft they occafion. As we
had lived upon fait meat fince we left Namoka, it may be
eafily imagined that no fhark was ever more delicious to'
our tafte. A faint breeze fprung up at night, with which-
we proceeded towards the land once more. We difcerned
a Angle rock the next morning lying off its north end, at
the diftance of a few leagues ; and as we approached, found
the ifland lefs barren than we had at firft fuppofed.' Towards
ten o’clock, we were mod dreadfully alarmed by a
fire in the fhip. Confufion and horror appeared in all our'
J>774- uly.
A ugust.
Monday 1,