and found the bay very extenfive, above eight miles wide,
but not above two deep. The Saddle which forms a kind
of peninfula, lies'on its eaft* fide, and flickers it from the
trade-wind', being very deep towards the point, but gradually
Hoping into leffer hills towards the bottom of the
Bay. Every part of the fliore was well cultivated between
the wild groves; and every plantation leemed to Be en-
clofed in very neat fences of reed, exadtly refemBling thole
which we-had'oBferved at the Friendly Illfes. We dropped
an anchor about a quarter of a mile from fliore, having a
low point a-head o f us, Behind wliich there' appeared to be
a harbour. The natives lined' the fliore in great crouds ;
fome of them fwam off, and came within hail, but no
nearer; crying out and fcreaming aloud to us. They appeared'at
a diffance to referable the Mallicollefe, and were
fwarthy ; one off them however, had reddiih hair, and was
fairer than the reft'. It was remarkable that not a Angle
canoe appeared, either on the' water, or hauled afliore ;
though we can hardly fuppofe fo fine an illand to be defti-
tute of boats. As it was growing dark, all the fwimmers
returned to the fliore, and' made feveral fires in their plantations.
Our provifion of frefli water being very low, and
that which we filled at Namoka being very bad, we rejoiced
to have found a place, where the appearance of the
country, gave us the greateft hopes of meeting with a frefli
fupply, not only of this neceffary article, but of all forts
of refrefliments. All thofe who had been poifoned by the
red fifli at Mallicollo, were not yet wholly recovered, but
felt their pains returning every night, their teeth lofe, and
their gums and palate excoriated. They likewife hoped to
get rid of the remains of their tedious ficknefs, by making
fome flay on this illand, and recruiting their ftrength with
wholefome frefli food, to which they had long been ftran-
gers. But all our expeditions proved abortive and pre*
Early in the morning, captain Cook ordered two boats
to be properly armed and manned; and commanding him-»
felf in one, and entrulling the other to the care of the mailer,
went in fearch of a convenient watering-place. He firll
rowed towards the fliore direftly abreall of the fhip, where
a number of natives not lefs than fixty, were affembled on
the beach. As foon as he was near the fliore, fome of the
natives came into the water, round the boats, where the
captain diftributed to them nails, medals, Taheitee cloth,
&c. with which they feemed vafily delighted. He foon
put off, and rowed along the fliore, more ahead. of the
flilp, round the low point which I have already mentioned,
the natives running along in the fame diredlion. The
boats having got round the point, which might be about -
three quarters of a mile off, continued out of: fight near
an hour. In the mean time, the natives were obferved
running towards the point from all parts, whilft a great
A ugust,
Thurfday- 4-