July. faces, at the bare mention of i t ; and it was fome time before
proper meafures were taken to flop its progrefs: for in
thefe moments of danger, few are able to colletH: their faculties,
and to a61 with cool deliberation. The mind which
unexpedled and imminent danger cannot ruffle for a time, is
one of the fcarceft phenomena in human nature; no wonder
then, that it was not to be met with among the fmall
number of perfons to whom the fhip was entrufted. To be
on board of a fhip on fire, is perhaps one of the moft trying
fituations that can be imagined ; a ftorm itfelf, on a dangerous.
coaft, is lefs dreadful, as it does not fo entirely preclude
all hopes of efcaping with life. Providentially, the fire of
this day was very trifling, and extinguifhed in a few moments.
Our fears fuggefted that it was in the fail-room ;
but we foon found, that a piece of Taheitee cloth, carelefsjy
laid near the lamp in the Reward's room, had taken fire
and raifed a quantity of fmoke, which gave the alarm. In
proportion as we advanced towards the land, we difcerned
fine woods upon it, iaterfperfed with glades and plantations
on the very fummitsof the hills. A number of coco-palms
were likewife obferved upon it, which had not however that
noble appearance, by which we diftinguifhed them in other
In the afternoon we came up with the weft fide of the
tfland, and running clofe to the fhore, we obferved feveral
fmall beaches, at the foot of fteep hills, covered with plantations.
rations. Thefe chiefly confided of bananas, and were con- auL”
fined in neat enclofures, near which we alfo noticed feveral
houfes like fheds. Thirty or forty natives were feen
running along the fhore, armed with bows and arrows, as
well as fpears. They looked very fwarthy at a diftance,
and refembled the people of Mallicollo. Some women
were obferved among them, who wore a kind of petticoat,
apparently made of leaves and ftraw, which defcended to
the mid leg, or fometimes nearly to the ancles ; the men on
the contrary were naked, like the Mallicollefe. We entered
a kind of open bay, where the natives of both fexes
waded a good way into the water, and called -to us, to all
appearance, with very friendly geftuies. We flood acrofs
the bay, where it was not thought proper to anchor. It
was growing dark when we opened the fouthernmoft point,
and faw the coaft ftretching to the eaft. As the wind was
falling again, we did not attempt to ftand in fhore any
longer, but rather endeavoured to keep off during night,
for fear of being fet towards it by the current. Every
morning and evening, at fun-rife and fun-fet, our failors
wafhed the decks from one end to the other, to prevent
the heat from drying them up too much, and making
them leaky. This evening one of the marines, who was
drawing water on the fhip’ s fide, for this purpofe, had the
misfortune to fall over-board. He was not able to fwim ;
however, by bringing the fhip to inftantly, and throwing a.
VoL, IL K k number