The natives of thefe iflands are find to be very quarrelfome-,.
and have iaw-fuits conftantly depending.
The'ifle of Corvo, is the Ieaft of the Açores, and contains
learcely fix hundred inhabitants, who chiefly cultivate wheat,
and feed hogs, exporting annually a fmall quantity of
The ifle of Flores is fomecbing larger, more fertile and’
more populous. Its exports amount to fix hundred mays
of, wheat, befid'es a quantity of bacon. But as no wine is
made in both thefe iflands, the inhabitants are obliged to
import a quantity for their eonfùmption from Fayal. A.
large Spanifli (hip of war, richly laden, was loft upon the:
coaft of Flores many years ago ; her crew and' all her
treafures however were faved. Thefe Spaniards introduced-
the venereal difeafe upon the ifland, where it was never
known before, and their riches being an irrefiftible temptation
with many women, every individual inhabitant was-
fbon infeéïed. To expiate this crime in fome meafure,
they have built a church at a great expence, which is now
reckoned the handfomeffi building in all the Açores. The-
evil has however maintained its ground, and as in Peru or in
fome parts of Siberia, no inhabitant of Flores is free from it.
Fayal Is one of the larger iflands in the group, being
nine leagues long from eaft to weft, and about four leagues
broad. Its prefent commandant, or Càpitan-Mlr, is called
Senhor Thomas Francifco Brum de Silveyra ; he has thecharader
charader of a greedy covetous man, and always lives in
the country, in order to avoid (hewing civilities to ftrangers,
or keeping company with the inhabitants of the town. The
judge of Fayal was then expeded from Portugal, with the
new governor-general. The head of the clergy on the
ifland, is only ftyled oviedor or auditor, and was the vicar of
the -principal church in the town.
Learning is much difcountenariced at Fayal, as in all
the Açores, and in Portugal itfelf. M. de Fleurieu with M.
Pingré, the French aftronomer, who went out to try fome
time-keepers, were not permitted to land -their inftruments
at Terceira, it being apprehended that they meant to do
fome mifehief to the ifland *, Upwards of two years ago,
an impoft of tworeys f was laid on each canari of wine, made
in Fayal and Pico, which amounts to fomething more than
a (hilling per pipe, and produces about one thoufand pounds
a year. This revenue was to be raifed under pretence of
providing the falary of three profelfors, to be eftablifhed at
Fayal, after undergoing an examination at Lifbon. But.unfortunately
for fcience, and for the inhabitants of the ifland,
the money was no fooner colleâed, than it was applied to
* Our aftronomer did not expofe himfelf to a refufal j but fixed the quadrant,
and obferved in the. garden adjoining to the conful’s houfe, unknown to all the
f A rey is about the twelfth .part of a penny fterling, and a canari is,fome what
. ;h\rger than a gallon.
4 X? 2 a very