aJcue't. every Httfe object, trilling in itfelf, but important in the
moment when the heart is expanded, and when a kind o f
blifsful trance opens a higher and purer fphere of enjoyment.
Then we behold with rapture the dark colour of
lands frefli prepared for culture, the uniform verdure o f
meadows, the various tints upon the foliage of different
trees, and the infinite varieties in the abundance, form,
and fize of the leaves. Here thefe varieties appeared in alt
their perfection, and the different expofure of the trees to-
the fun added to the magnificence of the view. Some reflected
a thoufand dancing beams, whilft others formed a<
broad mafs of lhadow, in contrail with the furroundineO*'
world of light. The numerous fmokes which afcended-
from every grove on the hill, revived the pleafing impref-
fions of domellic life ; nay my thoughts naturally turned
upon friendfhip and national felicity, when I beheld large
fields of plantanes all round tee, which, loaded with
golden clutters of fruit, feemed to be juftly chofen the emblems
of peace and affluence. The cheerful voice of the'
labouring hulbandman refounded very opportunely to complete
this idea. The landfcape to the weftward was not
lefs admirable than that of which I have juft now fpoken;
The rich plain was bounded on that fide by a vaft number
of fertile hills, covered with forefts, interfperfed with plantations,
and beyond them rofe a ridge of high mountains,
not inferior to thofe of the Society Illands, though àpparently
ly of a much eafier flope. The folitary fpot from whence au”ust.
I beheld this rural feene was likewife favoured by nature.
It was a delightful clutter of trees, which climbers and
bindweeds decked with odoriferous blaffoms. The richnefs
of the foil was here extremely remarkable ; for though- I
beheld many palms which the winds had thrown down
yet moft of them bent their fummits upwards from the
ground, and' fent forth new fiioots with furprifing luxuriance.
Their branches were the refort of various birds-,-
adorned with the brighteft colours, which now and then
ftruck the ear with an unexpected- fong not deftitute of
harmony. The ferenity of the air, and the coolnefs of the
breeze, contributed to make my fituation ftill more agreeable.
The mind at reft, and lulled by this train of pleafing
ideas, indulged a few fallacious reflections, which encreafcd
its happinefs at that inftant by reprefenting mankind in a
favourable light. We had now paffed a fortnight amidft a
people who received us with the ftrongeft fymptoms of dif-
truft, and who prepared to repel every hoftile aCt with vigour.
Our cool deliberate conduct, our moderation, and-
the conftant uniformity in all our proceedings, had conquered
their jealous fears. They, who in all probability
had never dealt with fuch a fet of inoffenfive, peaceable, and
* The roots of the coco-palm are naturally extremely fhort, and confift of-
innumerable fibres; but atTanna the foil, though rich and fertile, is fo extremely
loofe, that it does not require a great ftorm to overturn, the trees which
grow m it.