MMI Hanhart.inip.
Corethrura sp ................................Scl. e t Salv. P.Z.S. 1866, p. 200.
Portana fa sc ia ta . . . Scl. e t Salv. P.Z.S . 1867, p. 981.
Puscescenti-olivacea, alis obscurioribus, c apite to to cum coUo c t corpore su b tù s ad imum p e ctu s c a s ta u e is :
abdomme ru fo nig ro q u e tr an s fa sc ia to : su b a larib u s ru fis n ig ro m a eu la tis ; ro s tro obscure corneo, p edibus s a tu ra te
corylinis ; long, to ta G o, a l» 3'5, caudæ 1*2, ta rs i I'G, ro s tri à r ie tu -85.
I la b . iu Amazonia P e ru v ian a : fl. Ucayali (B a r tle tt) : Chamicurros e t Pebas (H a a a a e ll).
The vast water-basin o f tbe Amazons, so constantly overflowed by the rising o f its
affluents, would naturally be supposed to be a very- fit habitation for Kallidæ o f every
description. Yet the species o f this group met with within its area are certainly not numerous.
Not a single Coot (Fulka) and only one true Waterhen {Oallmula) occurs, as far as we know,
anywhere within its limits, and but three or four other members o f the family have as yet been
registered as appertaining to the Amazonian Fauna. But the recent exertions o f collectors
upon the Upper Amazon and its tributaries have brought to light one or two new species o f the
group, and others perhaps remain to be discovered, as from their skulking habits these birds
easily elude observation.
We first made the aoqnaintanoe o f the present species o f Crake in Mr. E. Bartlett’s first
collection fi-om tlie Ucayali, but were not then sufficiently acquainted wdth the gi-onp to venture
to describe it as ne-w. Subsequent reseai-ohes, into which we were led by the receipt o f a second
specimen hi Mr. Hauxwell’s collection from Pehas, convinced ns that it was unknown to science,
but we unluckily selected for it a name which had been already appropriated to a member of
the same group. Under these circumstances we now propose to rename it after Mr. liauxw e ll,
wdio besides the specimen just mentioned had previously obtained an example o f the same bird
in his large collection made at Chamicurros and on the Flnallaga in 1854. The last mentioned
specimen, as also that obtained by Mr. Bartlett, are now in tlic British Miisenm. Mr.
H.anxwcll's skin from Pehas, from wdiicli our figure and description have been taken, is iu the
collection o f Messrs. Salvin and Godman.
HauxwcH’s Crake is a well-marked species, and hardly liable to be confounded with any
other American member o f the family. In style o f colour it appears to unite the two sections
called b v the late Prince Bonaparte Laterirallus and B.ufirallus, having the handed sides o f the
former, w’hilst in general plumage it more nearly resembles Porzana concolor aud certain
other members o f the latter group.