o f Aconcagua in the Nortli down to Chiloe; hut is commonest in the neighbourhood o f the
city o f Valdivia. In Southern Chili it keeps to the edges o f the forests. In the central
provmres it is found on the lower outlyers o f the Cordilleras, and among the bushy woods
mtemiixed with larger trees, often approaching the settlements in pursuit o f small birds,
pigeons, and fowls. It is fond o f selecting tlie lofty summit o f a dead tree as a resting-place,
and descends thence quickly on its victim, carrying it off to a quiet place to bo devoured.
Females o f this species were twice shot by Messrs. Philippi and Landbeck near Valdivia in tlio
act o f robbing tbe hen-roosts.
The nidification o f A . chilensis is said to resemble that o f the European A . nisus, but
Messrs. Philippi and Landbeck have not yet succeeded iu obtaining specimens o f the eggs.
Our figm-es o f this bird are taken from specimens now in tlie British Museum, which
were formerly in the Zoological Society’s I\iuseum, and were collected by Captain King in the
Sti-aits o f Magellan. The front figure is reduced to two-thirds o f the natiual size.
December, 1S67.