2. X lamellipennis (Lafr.): Sclater, Cat. A. B. p. 226, from the coast o f North-eastern
Brazil, apparently intermediate in its range between the two other species. A specimen o f this
bird, in the collection o f Messrs. Salvin and Godman, was obtained by Natterer near Para, and
Mr. Wallace also collected examples in the vicinity o f the same city. Prof. Bm-meister indicates
“ Columbia” as its habitat, without giving any authority for tlie same, and is no doubt mistaken
on this point.
3. X . atropurpúrea., from the wood-region o f South-eastern Brazil.
Om- figures o f the present bird are taken from specimens in Mr. Sclater’s collection.
OciOBEE, 1866.