o f the small woi-ms and seeds which constitute the food. It is rather hold, taking but little
notice o f any one approaching it, and was never seen to perch on a tree.
To Dr. Cabanis is due the credit o f first referring this somewhat isolated genus o f birds to its
correct position in the natural series. Swainson associated it with the Motacillinte, and Lafresnaye
and d’Orbigny classed it as au Anthus. But there can be no doubt that, as shewn by Cahanis,
the proper place for the genus Centrites is the next to Muscisaxicola in the family Tyrannidce,
from which it is easily distinguishable by the Lark-lilte elongation o f the hind claw.
Our figures o f tltis species are taken from two specimens, male aud female, in Sclater’s
collection, which were collected by i l r . H. Whitely at TInta, iu the highlands of Peru, iu May
and June, 1868.
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