a sigkt o f it. The nest is placed near the ground in sueh situations. Mr. Salvin was not
fortunate enough to meet with it, hut M. Boucard obtained specimens o f the eggs in the province
o f Oaxaca, in the month o f May, 1868. These are very Eobin-lihe in appearance, being while,
minutely spotted and freckled with reddish-brown, particularly at the larger end, where the
spots nearly cover the entire surface. They measure 0'95 by 0'75 in.
The Gu arda-larranm is a favourite cage-hird o f the Guatemalans, and sings readily in
confinement. It may be seen suspended in small bamboo cages in the corridors o f many
Spanish houses, often in company with such fellow-captives as Mimus gracilis, and various
species o f Icterus.
AVe are not aware o f the occurrence o f Myiadestes ohscurus further south than Guateniiila,
—the next species met with in this dmcction being the very distinct If. mdanops ot Costa Eica.
Our figure o f the present bird is taken from a Guatemalan skin in Mr. Sclaler’s collection.
A ugust, 1S67.