lower down. It is a strictly forest bird, being nsually observed on tbe ground amongst tbe
dead leaves and tbin brush-wood, where tho highest trees grow. When disturbed it takes a
short flight and settles again upon the ground. Its flesh is excellent, and renders the bird an
object of eager pursuit to the Indian hunters o f Dueñas. The species also occurs in Vera Paz,
one o f Salvin’s hunters having procured a single specimen near Choctum, which i.s referred to
in the “ Ibis” for 1860, as Geotipgon alhifacies.
Our figure o f this Pigeon, three-fourths o f the natural size, is taken from a specimen in
the collection o f Messrs. Salvin and Godman, whicli was obtained at Savana Grande below the
village o f Alotenango, in Guatemala, in September 1862.
Besides the present species, the only other member o f the genus found on the Continent
north o f the Isthmus o f Panama that we are acquainted Avith is Geotiygon montana (Linn.),
which is common in Guatemala aud occurs as far north as Southern Mexico. We have not
yet been fortunate enough to meet with either of tlie species described by Mr. Lawrence as
G. alhiventris (Proc. Ac. Phil. 1865, p. 106) from Panama, and G. veraguensis (Ann. Lyc.
N. Y. viii. June 1866) from Veragua.