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Ins specimens in the neighbourhood of Lagoa Santa, and Novo Friborgo, but saw it in other places,
and it probably extends all over the South-eastern parts of Brazil. Whether it is also found in
the adjoining States of Soutli America we cannot positively say, but in all probability Azara’s
Esparverillo” , (Apunt. I. p. 121, No. 27), must be referred to this species, and D’Orbigny’s
“ Nisus sb-iatus” from Yuracares in Bolivia, (Voy. Ois. p. 88), may also be conjectured to belong
to it.
Our figures are taken from tbe typical specimens of this species hi the British Museum.
We may note that Mr. Gray never gave any description of this bb-d, and that tbe first published
characters are those of Dr. Kaup, above referred to. Tbe species should therefore be con-cctly
cited as Accipiter erytlirocnemis, Kaup.
Specimens in tbe Paris JIuseum, probably referable to tbe yoimg of this species, are marked
“ Sparoius guUatus, Vieillot,” and “ Nisus variatus, Cuv.” But these names are both strictly
applicable to Azara’s Esparverillo p ardo y goteado,” which, as far as we can judge from bis
description, is in all probability a very different bird.