The first Naturalist who appears to have distinguished these two allies was Natterer, who,
however, in his manuscripts unfortunately called the present bird magnirostns, and named its
Guianan representative (the true magnirostris) macrorhjnchus. This we have heen enabled to
ascertain positively from one o f Natterer’s marked specimens, now in the collection o f Messrs.
Salvin and Godman.
As w ill he seen from von Pelzeln’s list, Natterer collected a large number o f this species
in various parts o f S; but the specimens referred to as obtained by
him at Barra do Pio Negro are more probably referable to the true A . magnirostris. An
excellent series o f examples o f this Hawk, collected in the vicinity o f Bahia, has lately been
received by Salvin fi-om Dr. Wucherer. Wk have also to thank the authorities o f the Norfolk
and Norwich Museum for the loan o f many specimens o f this and other species o f the group
from their fine collection o f Eapacious birds.
Prince Max. o f Ncuweid, tells us this Hawk is one o f the commonest birds o f prey in
a ll the provinces o f Brazil which he visited, and was met with in the open districts as well as
in the forests. It appears to frequent most such parts o f the country as are varied with bushes,
woods and roads, and may be often seen perched on the branch o f a moderately sized tree,
watclimg for its prey, which consists o f all sorts o f small animals. In its crop Prince Max.
usually found grasshoppers, and the remains o f birds, mice, and other small mammals. The
flight and cry o f this bird are stated to resemble those o f the European Buzzard.
It is very difficult to decide positively whether Spix’s figure o f Falco insectivorus (Av. Bras.
1. t. V III. a) is intended to represent the present bird or the true A . magnirostris. As far as we
can make out from his text, he appears to have had both species under view. We have,
thei-efore, thought it better to call the present bird nattereri, after the illustrious Naturalist
who first appreciated the differences between the two species.
Our figure o f the adult o f this bu-d is taken fi-om a Brazilian specimen in the Norwich
Museum: that o f the younger bird from a skin transmitted to us by Dr. Wucberer.
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