marked, give it a fmall blow with, the paddle, which caufes a great deal o f
pain. Thefe inftruments are. about five inches in length.
y . The Cloth-beater, about fourteen inches long,
6. One of their Baikets; round, the mouthis a kind of' netting made, of plaited
twine, through which a firing is put,' which draws the plaiting together, arid
doles up the mouth. It is eleven inches high, and three feet in circumference,
7 . An Ebupa, or. Stool, ufed as a pillow.; they generally put a pieceof their, doth on
it before they lay their head on it. There are many fizes of them ;. the very
large ones they ufe alfo as ftoofe to fit on, . This, exprefled in the figure, was-
twelve inches and a half long ; but fome are of-the length o f two feet.
8'. Is one of'their Flutes, made o f Bamboo, and ornamented with the plaited’
twine, which alfo ftrengthens it j, they are about one foot and a half long,
e. O ne of their Hatchets; the handle of this was fourteen inches and a half long ;
the head about four incites and a half in length, and the edge about two,
inches broad.
to, Is a. figure of the Stone Pafte-beater: this was feven inches and a: quarter high;.
1,1, A Fly-fiap; the handle made of a hard brown-wood, is thirteen inches long,
12, The Feather-Ocnamentfor the Hit ad, fix.inches long,
13, 1,5. Mother-of-pearl Ornaments for the Ears, about half an inchslong,
15, The Decoy ufed in fifltmg, made of ihellss; the length, from the head to
the extremity of the.tail, feven inches and a half.
t6. A Bone Plummet &r their filhing lines, carved, two-inches andta quarter long;.
17. Another Plummet, made of Spar, ahout one inch-long, — XiGh. £»
18. A Mother-of-pearl Filh-hook, two inches long,
j , a Fiih-hoOk made of wood, and pointed with.a piece’ of iheB, three inches',
and three quarters long.
20. A Fifh-hook made of » large Pinna-marina (hell, three inches and three
quarters long.
21. Another Filh-hook, made of a large Pinna-marina (hell, three inches andi
three quarters long.
22. Another ditto, made of Mother-of-pearF, two inches longi.
2.3. Another ditto, three quarters of an inch in-length.
24. Another ditto,, made of Pinna.-marina fhellv one inch and.half long1,
25. Another ditto, made o f two pieces of Mother-of-pearl, one fot-the iftank, the:
other for the point. The line, is fattened both at the top and-bottom. The:
points of thefe hooks are fometimes barbed like ours; at the bottom-they tie;
fome hair.
26. Three Pearls tied, together By plaited hair, worn as an-ornament for the ears t
each pearl was about the fize of a fmall pea.
27. Sting of a Sting-Ray, ufed to point their lances and arrows,* four inches and a:
half long.-