26' A V O Y A G E
altered the moral turpitude of fornication: and what is 'a lin in Europe, is only-a
fimple innocent gratification in America j which is to fuppofe, that the' obligation,
to chaility is local, and reftridted only to particular parts of the-globe.
It is cuilbmary for the women to wear gatlands of flowers On their heads, [fee ph
VIIT. fig. i, 2.] which are compofed of the white palm-leaves gathered from the
jfpathas from which the flower proceeds. They alfo- gather a fpecies of gardenia, as
ibotvas they open, and put them in their ears. Both fexes are very cleanly j they
wafh themfelves in the riveE three Cfm.es a day i. and their hands and teeth after
evefy meal. -
The children o f both fexes are remarkably-kind to one another, and,, i f any tiling
be given them, will, i f poflible, equally divide it amorigil them.
On the fifth, the captain and Mr. Banks,, with fome others, went to the weft,
and waited upon Todtahau, and fome other of the chiefs, who, it was fuppofed,
had taken affront,, as the people did not bring fruit, as uiual, to market. They
received them kindly, and entertained them With wreftling and dancing: whea
they returned to the fhip, Tootabau, their king, came along with them, brought a
barbecued-hog, and the captain made him a prefent.
On the fixtb, being the next day,, the natives brought their fruits to market as
In walking through the woods we faw the eorpfe of a man laid upon a fort o f
bier, which had an awning over it made of mats, fupported by four flicks; a fquare
piece of ground around it was railed in with bamboos, and the body was covered
with.cloth. Thefe burial places are called Morai>
This day we alfo faw them polifhing their canoes, which was done with the mail
repor a fungites, a fpecies of coral, or fea muihroom, with which they alfb polifh.
the beams of their houfes.