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Orang Balanda, A Dutchman.
Orang Engrefe, An Engli/hman.
Orang Cerami, A Portuguefe.
Orang Codja, or Codjo. A Moory Gentoo, Mogul, or Banyan.
Orang China, A Chinefe.
Orang Maleiyo, A Malay.
Orang Bugeeis, A native of the Celebes.
Orang Papooa, A negroe, or cafifre.
Badang, The whole body.
Capalla, The head.
Atufcapalla, The crown of the head,
Ramboo, The hair of the head.
Mooca, The face.
Taleenga, The temples.
Matta, The eyes.
Beedjee matta, The eye-balls.
Ramboo matta,. The eye-brows.
Atus matta, The eye-lids.
Booloo matta,. The eye-lajhes.
Cooping, The ears.
Edong, The no/e.
Enga, The nofirils.
Peepee, The cheeks. ,
Leeda, The mouth.
Beebir, or moloo, The lips.
Geegee, The teeth.
Oojoo leeda, The tongue.
Daga, The chin.
Yenga, or coomifs. The beard.
Lehair, The throat.
Watta lehair, The neck.
Dada, ♦ The breafis.
Soofoo, The nipples.
Purroo, or prott, The belly.
Pooflar, The navel.
Balacang, The back.
Peengang, Thefides.
Poonda, 'The fhoulders,
Catea, The arm-pits.
Tang an, - The •whole arm and hand.
Seecoo, The elbow.
Balacang tangan, The back of the hand
Pala tangan, The palm of the hand.
Manjaree, ' The thumb.
Yereeggee, The fingers.
Taree, The forefinger. -
Taree tanga, The middlefinger.
Jeregee, orjereejee, The fourth finger.
Anna, ‘or jinteei The little finger.
Pantar, The hips.
Fanta, The haunches.
Panco, The thighs.
Lootoo, The knees.
Palpalla, ' The hams.
Cakee, The leg and fiootl
Toocakee, The calves- of the legs '.
Sapatoo, The foot.
Balcakee, The foie o f the foot.
Yereeggee cakee, The toes.
Boolo, The hair.
■ Coolit, Thejkin.
Gomoe, The fat.
Daging, - The fiefh.
Darra, ' Blood.
Oorat, A vein.
Toolang, The bones.
Soom fom, The marrow.
Otae, The brains.
B b 2 ' Oofoofs.