flate than thofe on the other fide of the ifland, who are men of Yoolee-ctea, or
men of Bolobola, we could not learn which.
There is a great number of hoa't-houfes all round the bays, [fee pi. XII.] built
with a Catanarian arch,.thatched alLover j. and the boats kept in them are very long,,
bellying out on the fides, with a very high peaked flern, and are ufed only at
particular feafons^
We had a great quantity of fifh brought on board in the afternoon of this day*
and three pounds and a half were ferved to each man of the fhip’s company.
On the 7th, in the afternoon, Mr. Banks and myfelf went to fee an entertainment
called an Heivo. We paffed over four bays E. and were carried, by the:
natives, till we came to- the bottom of a bay called Tapeeoee, where a number
of people was aflembled. A large mat: was laid upon the ground, and
they began to dance upon it, putting their bodies into flrange motions, writhing
their mouths,, and fhaking their tails, which made the numerous plaits that
hung about them flutter like a peacock’s train. Sometimes they flood in a row one
behind another, and then they fell down with their fa c e s to the ground,, leaning on
their arras,, and fhaking only their tails, the drums beating all the while, with
which they kept exad time. ■ An old man flood by as a prompter-, and- roared out
as loud as he could at every change. Thefe motions theycontinued till they were
all in a fweat j. they repeated them three times alternately,, and, after they had
done, the girls began. In the interval, between the feveral parts of the drama,
fbme men came forward, who feemed to ad the part of drolls j and, by what I
eould diflinguiib, they attempted to reprefent the Conquefi.of Yoolee-.etea, by the
men of Bolobola j. in which they exhibited the various flratagems ufed in the
conquefi, and were very vociferous, performing all in time to the drum. In the
k il fcene* the actions of the men were very lafcivious.,
The people, in the part where this faree was performed, are chiefly Bolobola
men, and they feem to be fettled in the beft part of the ifland, the low-land being
wider here than in any other part near the ha rb ou r. On this coafl there are many
fpits and fhoals, formed o f coral rocks* and* on the reef, the furf breaks very