was almofl: ftunned with the noife of the graihoppers, with Which this ifland abounds.
At length I came to a large open place* on the fide of which 1 faw a long houfe ;
and in the area many of the natives affembled, having brought with them large
baikets of bread-fruit : fonìe of them were employed in dividing them, and others
carried away whole baikets full j fothat it had the appearance of a market of bread*
fruit. Near to this opening, there was another long houfe, where, it feems, they
coloured their cloth* Of which I bought a few pieces, and returned to the fort.
About eight o’clock in the evening, the party, that went out in queft of the quadrant,
came back, having happily obtained it by thè afiiihnce of Tubora Tumaida.
Some of the natives had taken it to pieces, and divided it amongft them, but
had done it no material damage. It was ftolen by a man named Moroameah, fer-
vànt to Titaboreah, one of their chiefs. They aliò found a piftol, which one of the
natives had ftolen fome time before. Tootahau wept while the party was abfent,
^nd was much alarmed On the oceafion, apprehending that he ihould be killed if
the quadrant could not be found ; and had fent for twt) hogs toappeafe us. Obo-
reah, the queen, fled from us } nor would any of the natives come to market.
When Tubora Ttìmaida, and bis party, who accompanied Mr. Banks, returned,
and faw Tootahau confined, they fet up the moil doleful lamentation imaginable ;
but they were foon pacified by the afiurances made them that we defigned them
mo injury.
On the 4th, very few people came to market with provifions, having been intimidated
by the detention of their king Tootahau .
Some of the natives gave us an account lof many neighbouring iflands, to the
number of nineteen, ^nd ihewed us one of them from a hill, which was Yoole
Moft of the natives of this ifland fmell ftrong of the cocoa oil, and are of a pale
brown complexion, moftly having black hair, and that often frizzled ; black eyes,
flat nofe, and large mouth, with a chearful countenance j they all wear their beards,
but cut off their muitaehios, [fee pi. VIII. fig. 1.] are well made, and very fturdy,
having their bellies in general very prominent.} and are a timorous, merry, facetious,
hofpitable people. There are more tall men among them than among any people I
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