On the 28th, the wind veered about to the S. W. and blew from that quarter
fiercer than it had done the day before front the eaitj the fea alfo ran very high,
and we brought to under a balanced tnizen, and .a mizen Aay-fail.
On the 30th, we difcovered land to leeward of us, which we took for Cape
Maria Van Diemen ; but as the wind continued ilill very boiflerous, and the fea
ran very high, we did not venture to approach near it ; we therefore tacked, about,
and flood to the N. W. intending to Hand backwards and forwards till the weather
(hould be more moderate. In the evening, we difcovered the ¡¡land of the Three
Kings, on our lee-bow, and tacked about, without attempting to weather it.
On the 31ft, the wind blowing from the S. W. we did not approach the ihore,
but, in the afternoon, we faw the. land very plain, and difcovered a mountain
which we had feen on the other fide of the land; we called it Mount Camel, from
its likenefs to that animal: to the north of which it appears very fandy and barren,
having only here and there a green plat. The fame n'eck of land. we.faw on; the
other fide, which reaches to Cape Maria Van Diemen, and, this.,tends-to the.S.,E.
On the 3d of January, 1770, in the forenoon, we faw the land again ; this was*
.high fiat table land, and tended away to the S. E. where we loft-,light of. it j the
wind ilill- continued between the fouth and weft.
On the 4th, we flood along (bore: the coaft appeared very low, fandy, and
barren. About.noon, the wind began to (Trifle and blow from the-.S;W. and fearing.
fliouid blow frether, that we might get foul on a leefhojie,. we tacked
about, and proceeded to the N. W. Before we tacked, we oblerved a bending of
the land which we thought, might be a bay, but it proved otherwife, and we there-
fore named it'Falfe Bay.
On the 7th, we had light breezes and calms for. feveral days, with fair weather,
ana were out of light of land. On that day we faw a fun-fiih, very ihort and
thick, having icarce any tail, but two large fins'; it was as. big as a ihark, and
pf the fame colour.