T O T H E S O U T H S E A S . *7
On the 8th, Mr, MolUneipf went in the long-boat to, the eaft to huy fome hogs,
but could not get any : the people told them that they belonged to Tootjhau,
which evinced the fuperiority of that man.
We faw a man this day of a very fair oomplextop, jyith ruddy nqfe and cheeks;
having die hair of his head, beard, eye-hrows, and ey.e-lafhes, quite white; info-,
much that he was a lufus natural amongft them.
On the 13th, as Mr. Banks fat in the boat, trading with them as ufual, we faw
a very odd c.eremony performed : - t- Some ftrangers came up, to whom the reft
gave way, making a lane for them to pafs through: the firft perfon iq the pro-
ceilion prefented Mr. Banks with a fmall bunch of parrot’s feathers, with fome
plantain, and malapeJeyves, one after another. A, woman paled alpng the next,
having a great many clothes upon her, which ihe took off, and, fpreading them
upon the ground, turned round, and expofed herfelf quite naked : more garments
being handed to her, by the company, (he fpread them a]fo upon the ground,
and then expofed herfelf as before; then the people gathered up all her clothes,
took leave, and retired.
On the 14th, we faw a perfon who had the appearance of an hermaphrodite.
On the 15th, we had but a flight fea breeze, and the weather was very fultry,
though the clouds hung upon the mountains, and we expefled fome rain ; we had
fome puffs of wind from the mountains, that railed the fand in little clouds, which
covered every thing, and rendered our fituation ftill more difagreeable. In the
evening we faw a remarkable large ring round the moon.
On the 16th, it rained very hard, and there were two rainbows. We hauled
the Sein in feveral diftant places, but caught no filh.
On the 17th, the centinel fired at one of the natives, who came before it was
light with an intent to fteal fome of the calks, which was the feco’nd offence; but
the powder flaihed in the pan, and the man efcaped with his life.
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