T O T H E S O U T H S E A S . 15
and enjoying the rural fcene, we heard the report of fome fire-arms, and prefently
faw «the natives fleeing into the woods like frighted fawns, carrying with them
their little moveables. Alarmed at this imexpe&ed event, we immediately quitted
the wood, and made to the fide of the river, where we faw feveral of our men;
who had been left to guard the tent, purfuing the natives, who were terrified to
the laft degree; fome of them fkulked behind the buihes, and others leaped into
the river. Hearing the fhot rattle amongft the branches of the trees over my
head, I thought it not fafe to continue there any longer, and ied to the tent, where
I foon learned the caufe of the cataftrophe.
A centinel being off his guard, one of rite natives fnatehed a muiket out of
his hand, which occafioned the fray. A boy, a midihipman, was the commanding
officer, and, giving orders to fire, they obeyed with the greateft glee imaginable,
as if they had been {hooting at wild ducks, killed one ftout man, and wounded
many others. What a pity, that fuch brutality ihould be exerciied by civilized
people upon unarmed ignorant Indians !
When Mr. Banks heard of the affair,, he was highly difpleafed, faying, I f we
quarrelled with thofe Indians, we ihould not agree with angels;” and he did all he
could to accommodate the difference, going acrofs the river, and, through the
mediation of an old man, prevailed on many of the natives to come over to us,
bearing plantain-trees, which is a fignal of peace amongft them; and, clapping
their hands to their breafts, cried Tyau, which fignifies friendihip. They fat down
by us; fent for cocoa nuts, and we drank the rjiilk with them. They laughed
heartily, and were very focial, more fo than could have been exppfted, confidering
what they had fuffered in the late ikirmiih. — Have we not reafon to conclude,
that their difpofitions are very flexible; and that referitment, with them, is a ihort-
lived paffipn ?
The horizon not being clear, we could not make any aftronomical obfervations;
and therefore did not attempt togo found the point to the other hay. The weather,
however, fince we arrived here, has generally been clear, with now and then
a flight ftiower of rain, and the wind E. N. E.