A D V E R T I S E M E N T .
T H E following Journal o f the circumnavigation undertaken
in 1768, and completed in 1771, has met with publick
approbation. Sydney Parkinfon, the author, was draughtfman
to Sir Joieph Banks, Bart, and the engravings, taken from
his drawings, have been efteemed a valuable addition to the
Journal, as, perhaps, no plates hitherto published have conveyed
a more faithful reprefentation o f the originals from whence the
drawings were painted. This young artift was a perfon o f un-
blemiihed charaaer, ' and ftrid veracity ; and his Journal may,
therefore, be cpnildered as conionant to truth in every relation.
Both before and iince the period o f the voyage here defcribed,
the Journals o f other circumnavigators have been publilhed; which,
together, form iuch an ample hiftory o f a part o f the fouthern"
hemifphere, hitherto but little known, that I deemed an abridgment
o f them would prove a ufeful appendage to Sydney Parkinfonrs
original work : I employed, therefore, a writer o f literary reputation
to execute this fummary, which is now offered to the publick.
T o every paragraph are annexed marginal references to the original
Journals; which, while they form an accurate epitome o f the
feveral voyages, enable the reader to refer to them with the greateil:
facility and exa&nefs.: