own manufacturing, and fome other trifles. He at firit thought it was meant
as a return for the prefents that had been made him; but the Indian foon undeceived
him, by exprefling a defire for one of the boat cloaks. He took the
hint, and ordered one to be made of red baize, as foon as he got on board.
On the oth he paid the natives another viflt, and made known his approach by
hallooing to them; but they neither anfwered him, nor met him on the fhore,
as ufual. The reafon, however, was foon difcovered; for he and his companions
found them at their habitation, all drefled or drefling in their very beft,
with their hair combed and oiled, tied up upon the crowns of their heads, and
ftuck with white' feathers; (fee plate 23. Parkinfon’s Journal) fome wore a
fillet of feathers round their heads; and all of them had bunches of white
feathers ftuck in their ears : thus drefled, and all ftanding, they received their
vifitors with great courtefy. Captain Cook prefen ted the Chief with the cloak
he had got made for him, with which he feemed fo well pleafed, that he took
his Pattapattou (his fling) from his girdle, and gave it him. After a ihort flay
the company took their leaves..
About ten o’clock on the 12th, the family of the natives came towards the
ihip in their canoe. Seeing they approached it with great caution, Captain
Cook met them in a boat, which he quitted when he got to them, and entered
their canoe. Yet, after all, he could not prevail on them to put a long fide,
and at laft was obliged lo leave them to follow their own inclinations. At
length, they put on ihore in a little creek hard by, and afterwards came and fat
down on the ihore a-breafl of the ihip, "near enough to fpeak with thofe on
board. The captain then caufed the bagpipes and fife to play, and the drum to
beat. The two firft they-did not regard, but the latter excited fome little attention
in them. Nothing, however, could induce them to com? on board: but
they entered with great familiarity into converfation, (though little underftood)
with fuch of the officers and feamen as went to them, paying much greater
regard to fome than to others. 'And thefe, there was reafon to believe, they
took for women. To one man, in particular, the young woman ihewed an
extraordinary fondnefs,. until ihe difcovered his fex; aftei which ihe would not
fuffer him to come near her.. Whether it was that ihe' before took him for one
o f her own fex, or that the man, in order to difcover himfelf, had taken fome
liberties with her, which ihe thus refented, is not to be determined.-
Near the cove, where they firfl: faw the natives, on the fouth fide of the bay,
about a league above the place where the ihip lay, Captain Cook difcovered a
large cafcade, which falls from a-high mountain; huge heaps o f ftones lay at
the foot of it, which had been broken off, and brought by the ftream from the
adjacent mountains: thefe ftones were of different forts, but none, according
to Mr. Fofter’s opinion, contains either minerals or metals. The rocky part of
the whole country feemed to confift of thofe ftones, and no other. In this Cove,’
which he named, from this Cireumftanqe, Cafcade Cove, there fs good anchorage,
and other conveniences.
On the 13th, Captain Cook, with-a party, taking a furvey of the bay, came
to a creek, where they found an immenfe number of peterels; fome on the wing,
others in the woods, in holes in the ground under the roots of trees, and in the
crevices of rocks, where there was no getting at them, and where it was fup-
pofed their young were depofited, as not one was to be feen in the day; the old
ones were probably at that time out at fea fearching for food, which in the
evening they bring to their young. The noife they made was like the croakirig;
of many frogs. They appeared to be of the broad bill kind, before defcribed,
which are not fo commonly feen at fea as the others. Here, however, they
were in great numbers; and flying much about in the night. Some of the
gentlemen (the party being benighted on ihore) at firft took them for bats.
In a ihooting excurfion, on the 15th and 16th, at thè head of a fine fandy
beach, they found an immenfe number of wood-hens, and brought away ten
couple of them; and having likewife killed fome ducks, returned in the evening
with about feven dozen of wild fowl, and two feals.’ 1 ;
On the 18th, it being fair and clear weather,- thè natives, before mentioned,
paid them another vifit.1 Arid the next morning the Chief and his daughter'
were induced to còme ón rboard, while the others went a fiihing in the canoe.
Before they went on board, Captain Cook ihewed them the iheep and goats that
H h 2 were