o f the fine coloured ear-ihell mentioned No. i , laid into the wood. This was
fix inches long ; but they have different fizes. Some of the fmaller ones have
handles carved very ingeniouily; thefe they frequently held up when they
approached the £hip: perhaps it may be the figure of fome idol which they
17, 18, and 19, are Figures of Patta-pattoos, or War-bludgeons. They have holes
in the handles of them, through which a firing is paffed arid tied round the
wrift when they make ufe of them. Numbers 17 and 19, are made of wood j
the former is about fourteen inches long, and the latter twelve. Number j8
is about fourteen inches in length, made of a hard black ftone, a kind of
bafaltes, and fimilar to the ftone of which the Otaheiteans pafte-beaters and
hatchets are made.
20. Is a kind of Battle-axe, ufed either as a lance or as a patta-pattoo. The length
of thefe is from five to fix feet. The middle part of them is very ingeniouily
21. An Ivory Needle, made of the tooth of fome large marine animal, with which
they fallen on their cloaks. This is about fix inches j in length ; but they have
of various fizes; and fome of them are made of the circular edge of the ear-
ihell mentioned.in No, I.
22. An Inftrument made of the bone of fome large animal, probably of a grampus,
which is ufed fometimes as a paddle, and at others as a patta-pattoo, and is
' about five feet long.
23. A Wedge or Chifel, made of the green ftone, orPoonammoo, as they call it,
and fometimes of the Bafaltes. Thefe wedges they fometimes tie to a wooden
handle, and then ufe them as hatchets and hoes. They are of various fizes,
from one to eight inches in length.
24. A Whiftle, made of wood, having- the out-fide curioufiy carved. Befides the
mouth-hole they have feveral for the fingers to play upon. Thefe, which are
worn about the neck, aré three inches and a half in length, and yield a flirill
25. A Trumpet, nineteen inches and a half in length, made of a hard brown
wood, which they fplit, and carefully hollow out eách fide fo as to fit neatly
again, leaving an edge on each fide ; and joining them together, they are bound
tight with withes made of cane : it is broadeft in the middle, which is rather
flat, and gradually tapers to the ends that are open. In the middle of it there
is a large hole which reprefents the mouth of a figure fomewhat like a human
one, having hands and feet, the parts of which are carved round the inftrument
: the head is not unlike the maik, No. 16. Another fuch like maik is
alfo carved near one end of the trumpet. They produce a harih flirill found.
26. Is fpoken of in the account of the people of Terra del Fuego.
27. A lingular kind of hand-fcoop, or water-bailer, made Of one piece of wobd :
the handle of it proceeds» from the edge and hangs over the middle, and both
it and the edge are very ingeniouily carved. It is about eleven inches long,
- eight inches wide, and near fix inches deep under the handle.
28. The head of a fpear, made of bone, about fix inches in length.