Covered oyer with fmall brown fcales, and t'aftes like cheefe, apples, and onions.
Guavas, though deemed good of their kind, fmell fo difagreeably,' that I could not
endure them. Of Jamboo, they have many forts, fome large, fome fmall, fome
round, and others long ; white, pink, crimfon, and fcarlet. They have alio a
plenty of cocoa-nuts, of which they generally make their oil. Their other fruits
arePifang, or plantains, Manco, or water-melons, anona fquamofa, cuftard-apples,
anona reticulata, grapes, pumplenofes, citrons, and acajou apples.
All the fhips, which are careened and hove-down here, go to a fmall ifland in
the bay, called Unruft, aboutfeven miles from Batavia ; where there is proper tackle
to heave them down, and a bafs,-or overfeer, to manage all matters. The whole
ifland is one dock-yard, inhabited entirely by carpenters, and others, who belong
to the fhips that are there. * Near Unruft is another ifland, called the Kuypers,
or Coopers, which is full of warehoufes, where fhips depofit their goods while they
are heaving-down. About a mile from this, there is another ifland, called Palmi*
rante, where there is an hofpital for flek feamen: and upon this ifland the ihips
* At this place ourflup was examined; and we found that many of her planks, and her keel, were
much damaged; one part of her not being above' orie-eighth of an inch thick, which was luckily before
one of the timbers, or, in all probability, ihe would have funk long before we reached the bay of
Batavia. While our ihip was repairing at Unruft, moft of the crew were, at Cooper’s-Ifland, where
they were taken with a putrid dyfentery ; three of whom, the fteward of the gun-room, one of the
feamen, and a boy, died. The diforder alfo carried off Toobaiah, and the lad Taiyota, natives
-of Otaheite, whom we defigned to have brought to England. They had been feveral times up to.
Batavia, and expreffed great furprize at the many various objects to which they had been uaaccuftomed:
they were particularly ftruck with the fight of carriages drawn By horfes ; and were very inquifitive: in'
refpeft of what they faw, that was new to them j. having, before our arrival at Batavia, made great
progrefs in the Engliih tongue, in which they .were greatly affifted by Mr. Green, the aftronomer, who
took much pains therein, particularly with Taiyota. . • When Taiyota was feized with the fatal diforder,
as if certain,of his approaching diffolution, he frequently faid to thofe of us who were his inti»
mates, Tyau mateoee, “ my friends, I am dying.” He took any medicines that were offered him;
but Toobaiah, who was ill at the fame time, and furvived him but a few days, refufed every thing of
that kind, and gave himfelf up to grief; regretting, in the higheft degree, that he had left his own
country; and, when he heard ofTaiyota’s death, he was quite inconfolable, crying out frequently,
Taiyota! Taiyota! 'They were both buried-in the ifland of Eadam. During our ftay at Batavia,
moft of us were fickly; Mr. Monkhoufe, our furgeon, and the aftronomer’s fervan.t, died; and fome
others hardly efcaped with life.
T O T H E S O U T H S E A S . 183
companies inter their dead. There are many other iflands in the bay, named Am-
fterdam, Rotterdam, and Eadam, where the company have rope-manufadtories,
and fend their felons.
The ifland of Java abounds with morikies, cockatoos, parrots, and wild poultry:
there are alfo a great many horfes, which are fmall, but very fpirited.
The wefterly monfoon fets in about O&ober or November, and fometimes later;
and then the rainy feafon comes on : the eafterly fets in about April or May.
The general language fpoken at Batavia is low Malay j and it is neceffary that
every perfon, who defigns to ftay long there, fhould learn it. This language is
very different from the high and proper Malay, which is fpoken on' the continent of
India; and may be compared to the Lingua-Franca, being a compound of feveral
other languages; viz. of Malay, Portuguefe, and thofe of the eaftern ifles. A fhort
vocabulary of each is here annexed as afpecimen; as alio vocabularies of the languages
of other nations, in the neighbourhood of Batavia, which I collected from
natives of the different places, during my ftay in that city.
A V o c a b u l a r y