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On the 9th, we had a pleafant breeze- from the N. E. the weather gloomy ;
the land in view low and' level, tending away to the S, E. In the evening it appeared
higher, and tended fuddenly to the weft * but we were not near enough' to.
diftinguiih any thing upon it.
On the loth, we had a fine breeze from the north, and pafied a high
Hoping land, covered with wood, where we had feen fome fmoke. A few leagues;
farther from this point, which we called 'Woody Point, we faw a fo a l flat.
iiland, or rock, which was almoft covered with gannets, or foland geefe*
and therefore called it Gannet Iiland. Soon after we fa ifc i a point of land,
at which time, feeing a number of albatrofles’ on the fea, we named it Albatrofs
Point : This point ftretched out a great way, and formed a fmall harbour. As we
proceeded on our cóurfe, the land, though level, appeared much higher, and
pretty well cloathed with verdure. We faw a; point of land which we called,
from its appearance, Sugar-Loaf Point, near which are feveral fmall iilands* and,
from their vicinity to the point, we named them Sugar-Loaf files. The weather being1
ftill gloomy-, and the wind veering about to the Sì W. we were obliged to ftand off
and on the land.
On the 11th, in the evening, we difcovered a very peaked hill, which appeared
to be as high as th:e peak' of Tenériffe ; [fee pi. XXII.] and' a! the bottom part
■of it. was covered with clouds in the fame manner* we named it Mount Egmont,
The next morning, on the 12th, we approached nearer to it, but could not fee
the top of it, which was loft in the clouds. From this p*»ak the land declined
gradually to a point on each fide, one ending in the fea, and the other ftretching
to the coaft north of it,, which was, in general, low and level, but covered with
trees, as were alfo both fides of the peak. When we were abreaft of it we had
very heavy fhowers of rain, with thunder and lightening* and, at length, the
peak itfelf was totally inveloped in darknefs. In the night we iàw a large fire.
The point off this peak we called Cape Egmont.