12 $
N U M E R A T I O N .
Katahe, One',
Karooa, Two.
Katarreo, Threei
Kawha, -Tour.
Kareema, Five.
Kabnoo, Six.
Kawheetoo* Seven,
Kawarroo,. Eight,
Kaeeva, Nine,
Kacahaowrooy Ten,
Having given a prate, containing principally the figures of the New-Zealand
household and warlike I n s t r u m e n t s , it may be proper here to give a defcription
of them. [See pi. XXVIJ
Fig. i. An Ornament for the Neck, made of three roundi pieces of Auris Marina, or
' ear-fhell, the infide of which is a beautiful coloured pearl. Thefe pieces are
notched on the edges, and ftrung on a piece of plaited tape, made of white
flax, and coloured red. It hangfc loofely about the neck, and is two feeti eight
inches and a half long.
2. One of their common Paddles; when ufed it is held by one hand at the top of
the handle, in which there is a hole, and by the other at the bottom,1 where
it is- carved very neatly, being five feet, nine -inches and a half long.
3. A Fiih-hook, made of wood, and pointed with bone, which is- tied on with
twine ; three inches and three quarters long.
4. A