Now what that improper ufe meant, I prefume, there is no reader who will
not inilantly conftrue and allow that Mr. Parkinfon was at leaft in honour
, bound by it, relatively to Dr. Fothergill, who had thus humanely arid kindly
Undertaken for him.
What the fentiments of an intimate friend of his brother's were, who, in a
letter to this Parkinfon, accufes him of a treachery and avarice that make him
ihudder for his treatment of fo worthy a perfon as Dr. Fothergill, the reader
may fee in page xviii o f that preface, arid judge whether Parkinfon-^ anfwer
to it does not add to the criminality of the ingratitude and breach of trull
contained in the tranfailion, the meannefsof fhuffling and equivocation in
an endeavour to juftify it. Mean while the fituation of Dr. Fothergill is
fingularly cruel j his humanity, his tendernefs for a brother’s fuppofed fraternal
feelings, a defire of procuring him a fatisfailion he judged but natural, having
made him undertake for one whom he could not conceive poflible to be guilty
o f fo mean, fo diihonourable a procedure, have expofed him to the reproaches
o f Mr. Banks, i f one fo much of a gentleman as Mr. Banks could be capable
o f not doing juiiice to thé intention, however hurt by the confequences :
while, on the other hand, Mr. Parkinfon has in his preface aimed at pre-
fenting him to the publick in the light of one who is an accomplice of Mr.
Banks’s in his opprelfive procedtfrei and partial to his injuftiçe, at the fame
that it will clearly appear, that nothing could be more generous than Mr.
Bank’s dealing with Mr. Parkinfon ; nor more humane and friendly, than
Dr. Fothergill’s interpolation in his favour. And fuch his return from him !
Upon which let the reader himfelf decide, whether this cafe is not one of
thofe that may fairly be added to the catalogue, already terribly too long, of
inftances of the danger é f doing good. And the reader will alfo pleafe to
obferve, that in the premifes there have been no confequences drawn but what
palpably arife from fails of Mr. Parkinfon’s own furniihing,
F I N I S,