On the 24th, in the afternoon, we went out at the weft end of the bay, which»
the natives call Opou, but found our paffage very difficult on account of the Ihoals, .
©ne of which we narrowly efcaped : the man, who founded, crying out Two-
fathom, we wore fhip directly, or we ihould have been on a bank. At length*,
however, we cleared the ihoals j but hot being able to get out in time, anchored»
over-againft a deep bay, and fome of our men went on ihore to look-for hogs-
This iiland is, in many refpefts, much like Huaheine, and the country as much;
variegated j but this fide of the iflarid^ feems to have undergone fome revolution p
the inhabitants are but few,, and pooiv and have no- political diftinftion of rank-
amongft them. The ihagreen is in greater plenty here,; and at Huaheine, than at
©taherte, where it was a fcarce commodity. They have alfo great plenty of taroj.-
and eape. As to the bread-fruit it was but young j, and of applesT faw none*
On the 25th, we fet fail from the bay of Owhare, and fteered our courfe to^ the-
weftward, defigniog to go to Bolobola, or round Otahau^ to the (outh-fide off
Toolee-Etea j. but, the wind blowing from the weftward, we could not double
the point of Otahau * fo that we did nothing that day but traverf© the eoaft off
The iiland of Bolobola is made up of one very high forked peak of land, with*
feven low hills round it.
In the evening, at fun-fet, we diicovered the iiland.of Tbopbai^, making ire Iow^
for two or three days after, conftantly employed'¡h1 ranging' the adjacent fields-- and' woodk^,
from which; every one retires on ,his- approach;- The relations, in-the mean .time, build ¿. temporary;
houfe near the-Morai^ where they aflemblej and'the females mourn for.the-deceafed,.by finging, fongs-
of grief,, howling, and wounding their bodies-in different places with: iharltrs teeth after which-thejr
bathe their wounds in the fea or river,, and!again, return to>howl: and cut themfelves, which they 6on*--
tinue for three-days; After, the body ^corrupted, and-thc bones become.hare, .the ikeleton is-depofited.
in. a. fort of. ftone pyramid, huilt for. that purpofe—
f c