Among the papers I. received from J. Banks there was a copy o f the will he le ft-with my fitter : If
Jofeph Banks brought over/any other will of my brother’s, it is more than I know of. I fuppofe i f he
had, it would"have Been produced before now, as it muft of courfe have fet that he left at home
and to which J, Banks knew I adminiftered.
Î therefore indeed did not think' th'ou-K N E w es Ta// that thou haft charged me with on this head.'
Thou fayeft that the papers I am about to publifh are thine, and that thou haft Jofeph Banks’s
word'for ft. I f by thé papers thou meaneft the Manufcript of my brother’s Journal, I muft tell-thee-
I hâve it not, it being in Jofèph'Bânks’spofleffion, to .whom I ient it, in order to oblige Dr. Fother--
gi’.l. What I have are indeed taken from my brother's papers; but contain far more than what that'1
manufcript does ; the other part thereof I- have been furnifhed with by fome- friends of my late brother.
Rut. allowing that what Tam going to publifh was no more than what that manufcript contained
thou wouldft find it a difficult matter to perfwade me out of my Rightof publication; and muft bring
with thee into a court of Equity fomething^ more ftrong for Evidence thair what thou haft mentioned;.-
as I have Dr. Solàndèr as a witnefs to the contrary, who faid in the-prefence of Jofeph Banks’s lawyer,
whom I can prodùce as an Evidence,, and in my hearing, that my brother defired that thou waft to-"
have only the pterufal~of them. Jofeph Banks’s lawyer afked him, at that very time, if he had'it in
writing, that my-brother’s papers were bequeathed to thee ; whoanfwered in the Negative; on which-
the lawyer pronounced them to be my property. And Jofeph Bànks was fo well fatisfiedat what Dr..
Splander then uttered, that he faid he gave it up..
I think thou.wiltifind I hive fufficiently cleared myfelf from thy charges exhibited againft me, which
I hav,e dbne not that.I am any ways féarful’ of thy. threats, for F ihall be at all times ready to anfwer-
thy fùits, but that I am defirous .of living peaceably with all mem '
As for the words, matchlefs impudence, treachery, wretched principles, avarice, .and’ fuch- like, wh ich -
thau haft applied to me, I regard them as wrote in heat o f paffion ;- and advifethee (to make ufe-of thy-
own ghrafe): to take Jhajne on thee for having written them, as alfo for hiving urijuftly charged me with
crimes I never-committed..
I always have, and I truft I always ihall, aft as a man of honour, and I well know-the confequence*
o f doing wrong. I hope; after reading this; thou wilt alfo.aft as becomesifuch towards
Perfifting ftill in the preparations for. publiihing:my hciok,.and turning a- deaf
ear to Dr. Fothergill’s remohftrances, as not being of fo friendly a nature as L
thought becoming him, I forfeited1 his-good-will, and he became all at once as
much my declared enemy as he had been’before my'ptetcnded friend. He traduced*
my reputation before others,, complained of my ingratitude to him, injuf-
t-ice to Jofeph. Banks T. appearing to join with Dr. John Hawkefworth,. the com?
piler cf tho fouth-fea voyages now publiihed, in reprefenting my an un-
. fainfair
and fiirreptitious publication.* To this purpofe indeed'Dr. Hawkefworth
caufed an .advertifement to be inferted in the public news-papers ; in anfwer to
which I thought it incumbent on me to infert one, in my own defence » afferting
my right to my-brother’s papers, and my refolUtion to publifh them.
To delay this: defign, and, if poffible, fupprefs my book, which- was almoft
ready to appear, Dr..Hawkefworth, whofe compilation was not fò forward, filed
a>/bill in chancery againft me,- fetting forth that I had invaded his property, by
printing manufcripts and engraving- defigns, which I fold to Jofeph Banks, and
which Jofeph Banks had afterwards fóMto him : even Dr. Fothergill fupporting
this mifteprefentation,. by affirming that I- had made fuch fale to; Mr. Banks,- of
which he was a witnefs» On this- application an injundtion was granted by the
court of chancery, to flop the printing and publiihing of ffiy work. Nay,
Dr.; Hawkefworth, not còn-tented with praying for thè fuppréffiòn of my Bòok,
módeftly defired alfo to have delivered’ up to’ him thè printed copies o f it, which
I»hadv at the expence of feveral hundred pounds, prepared to offer the public.
* A'sa prooflow far Dr. Fot'irergill didintereft fiimferf on-this oeeafion, I beg leave to give an'ex-’
traft.of a letter from'a -relation at Meweaftle on the'ìuBJèft. • J ‘ M ‘ - = ,*:• '
D ear .©oufiii, - -< / Nevvc'aftl'é;’ Jz n 'J 1
. I T T " I H WÌH aM S a lM ™ favours came duely to h a n d , and t h a t l was n o ta little fufprized
at M r. L e e s letter and his-change qf fentiments refpefting M r. B anks, as* his friendfhip for my late great, and by-thine I find I am the only perfon who have diufe of cornplàinì and
whofe friendihip yet remains unftaggered.---------B ut now to-wh,at I know o f D r. F/s letter to T K . _
F h e la tte , c aMed upon m e one day andaiked me ifI knew o f any Journal th at w as-printing here, p u b -'
killed by my-coufin. 1 told him no ; but there was one printing at- London,- w hich Fex-pefted-Would-:
be finiQ.ed_by the middle o f this m onth.; he then read the D r’s letter, wherein after faying bow ill thou
had treated both him and M r. Banks,- he fays from the regard he had to hisprom ife, he offered thee
■Pi p . p.ublieatipn, w liieh thou refufedft, as^'he.fuppofed only thro u yrmmmwRm g h a mercenary view* to ; in BB he d,id not HI T h is w „i — i w jalMl I cBoulMd offMer ini tthyi vind?■i’c aMtioWn andW inlf,mft,n grc itfhamt t^hev Joinu'rfnllaòlr cw haes Ì cÉerta3inHly, fthl e t hparot pneorttwyi tohff ttahned finag
m ily, as.well as every curiofityC ouiin had':eoliefted-in the\?oyage, yet th e'D r. hatfitated ivs cafe in
terms, that Jam es K ing looks on thee as highly. culpable- H ad.m y eoufin at firft infifted bv the
T I M Law for hisT rother’s laft M g Effefts, as j i N g would n o t only have
DD ir. aanndd MM rr Liaeéeem. ° HHo0w ?ven ,f. the Book5 be3 re fai\dvye,d TIb. ohtohp eE ¿x.pNeunmceb earn,d m parye fJeirev feodl dt,h feo f arise ntdoi-hdiepf roayf thfiee
Expence and afford thee fomechingover ; but am of opinion if they, are n o t out foon, it will ESfl great difadvantagg-------------- T h y tru ly affectionate C oufin,, » l-1 " - , ' ■ ’ * * f f
J . G O M E L D .O N ,
HiThis is not. true, T h c doftor. did.offer fii-ft. fifty and. afrerwards-one hundred and fifty pounds»