14 A V O Y A G E
was very diverting to fee the different emotions which the natives exprefled at the
manoeuvres' of our fhip. They were very focial, and feveral of them came on
board j fome of them remembered fuch of our people as had been there in the
Dolphin, and feemed highly pleafed at our arrival. The captain and Mr. Banks
went on ihore j bat they returned greatly difappointed, as they could not find the
principal inhabitants, and perceived that many of their houfes had been tajcen
down fince the Dolphin left them.
On the 14th, in the morning, a great number of the natives Came to1 Us, round
a reef point towards the fouth, and were very troublefome, attempting to ileal
every thing they could lay their hands upon : they brought with them only two or
three hogs, which they would not exchange for any thing but hatchets. Among
the reft who vifited us, there were fome people of diilindion in double canoes :
their cloaths, carriage, and behaviour evinced their fuperiority. I never beheld
ilatelier men, [fee pi. III.] having a pleafant countenance, large black eyes, black
hair, and white teeth. They behaved very courteoufly, and exprefled fome un-
eafinefe at the conduct of the reft. We entertained them in the Cabin, and then
bent our fails, taking them with us for guides, till we had doubled the point,
where we found a fine bay to anchor in. In the afternoon, a fmaif party of us
made an excurfion into the country, and the inhabitants followed us in great numbers.
At length, being fatigued, we fat down under the fhade of fome lofty
trees, the .undulation pf vvhofe leaves.rendered.it. very cool and pleafanh The
high cocoas, and the low branching fruit trees, formed an agreeable contrail j while
the cloud-topt hills, appearing between them, added to the natural grandeur of the
profped. The inhabitants flood gaping around us while we feafted on. the cocoa-
nut milk, which afforded us a pleafing repaft.
On the 15th, in the morning, feveral of the chiefs, one of which was very corpulent,
came on board from the other point, and brought us fome hogs j we pre-
fented them with a flieet and fome trinkets in return j but fome pf them took the
liberty of ftealing the top of the lightening-tchain. We went aihbre, and pitched
the markee: Mr. Bank's, the captain, and myfelf, took a walk in:the woods, and
were afterwards joined by Mr* Hicks, and Mr. Green. While we were walking,