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young one, and was much fmaller than the other, which meafured upwards of
feveu feet from the tip of the nofe to the extremity o f the tail. A quantity
of the fleffi of the fea-horfe, of which many herds were daily feen lleeping
on various parts of the'ice, was found in their ftomachs; and the female
had milk in her dugs.
The 21 ft, finding their farther progrefs obftrufted on the American fide
they bore away to the weftward, Handing along the borders of the ice which
they propofed tracing till they ihould fall in with the coaft of Afia. And
on the 31ft faw the Bay of St. Lawrence, which was the place they had landed
at nearly about a twelve month before, «wh ich time Captain Cook fo deno-
minated it.
Auguft the 7th, the weather being fine and clear, with moderate breezes from
the weft, they brought to, and putting their hooks and lines over board in the
fpace of three or four hours caught near a hundred fine cod, which afforded a
moil luxurious repaft to all on board, as they had long been tired of the trainv
fleih of fea-horfe and white bear.
On the 21ft they faw land, which proved to be part of Afia, and at no ereat
diftance from the Bay of Awatfchka, where they propofed flaying fome time
The next day, at half paft eight, Captain Clerke departed this life, after a Iona
and tedious illnefs, which he had laboured under before his departure from
The 23d, at eleven, they felt an unufual rumbling motion in the (hip, which
continued for about the fpace of ten fecondsj an effedl which they attributed'
to an earthquake. Their diftance at that time from the neareft ffiore was five
or fix leagues.
At one they brought to in the bafon behind the Oilrog of St. Peter and St.
Paul) and ihortly after the Serjeant came on board to pay his refpeils fo the
Captain, bringing with him fome berries, milk, and the fpawn of falmon.
Immediately after the ftiips were moored, all hands fet about making tlm
needful repairs, eredling tents and obfervatories on lhore, and fetting up coppers
pers to brew fpruce beer, from a fpecies of pine, which the Ruffians call
This morning the effefts of the late Captain Clerke were fold, and Captain p. 296.
Gore fueceeded to the command of the Refolution, and Mr. King to that of
the Difcovery.
The 29th the corpfe of Captain Clerke was conveyed on ihofe in the pinnace, p. 297.
attended by the other boats, with the captains and officers of both ffiips where
it was decently interred. During the proceffion and fervice, minute guns
were fired by both ffiips, and the marines fired three vollies was. under a tree. at the grave, which
The next day a party went tofiffi for falmon, which were remarkably numerous
here, in order to fait them for a.fea-ftock. With the falmon they fre
quently caught very fine fmelts, and now-and-then a particular fpecies, called
bbayc kth. e Ruffians Gorbufch, on account of its having a kind of humrp upon its r -
September the 4th a gentleman, who, as they were informed by the Serjeant p. 298.
was an enfign, and fon to lieutenant Sindo, by whom fome difcoveries had been
made on the coaft of America, arrived fromBolfchaia-Reeka, with compliments
from Captain Wafilowitz. Ifmyloff, who fueceeded Major Behm as governor
of Kamtfchatka, acquainting the Captains that he would b e down, in a few
tdhaey sf;li ipasn. d that fixteen head of cattle were upon the road for the ufe of
The 9th a galliot «rived fronyOchotik, laden with flour, pitch, tar, cordage p. 300
hr ■ B i Vari°US thihSs for their I B *ey Were
obliged to Major Behm who feemed to havi taken every method in his power
t o r e n d e r t h e r o a a s Q f J i t y _ | M ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ t
with him a variety o f articles,' fuch as boots, ffioes, handkerchiefs, &c the
■mufMt be cioBnfidReredI, Bho wSeevneerra, 1t' hhati ghhe* pba“id‘ ■a ve ry heavwye rdeu itmy mono dheirsa. tgeolyL flos,.