T O T B E , S 0 E T H S E A S , TI7
the bay, met with a canoe, and were told, that a young girl had been taken from»
There are many fmall iilands around that appear to be entirely barren?
and we faw no inhahitants'upon this excepting thofe that belong to the Hippa j and
they, neither ibw nor plant any things but live chiefly on lib,, and on their neighs
hours' when they can;catch them.
We faw one of their Hippas which was fituated on a-very higfo rock, hollow
underneath, forming a moft grand natural arch,, one fide of which was conne&ed
with the land j. the other rpfe out of the fea- Underneath this arch a final!
veflel might have failed, [Seerpl. XXIV.] It was near a pleafant bay,, and almoik
inacceffible 1 one of the natives came out and waved a large garment, or piece of
doth' to us as we paiied. along.
Their canoes were very- (lately ones: very few of the natives are tataowed : we-
aiked them if their aneeftors had not told them of fucba (hip as ours that they had
feen in their time, but they .appeared to be. entirely ignorant of it. Thefe cannibals-
told us, that the people, who belonged to thofe they had flain and eaten, were
coming to them, over the hills,, to kill them the «next day, but it proved a falfer
alarm _
On the ift of February, we had a- ftrong wind from the N .E . The hawfer
with which we moored the (hip was broke by the (train of the fea, it beingfaftened
. ©n ihore to a tree, and we were obliged to let go another bower; It rained all this-
day and part of the, next, continuing, without intermiflion,for thirty-two hours;
On the 6th5 we left the bay, which we called Cannibal Bay, having been in' it
about three weeks, The captain called it Charlotte’s Sound, The two points,
which form the .entrance, were named Cape Koomarroo, and Point Jackfon. The
natives call the land about it Totarranooe* We bent.ourcourfe to an opening at
the entrance of this -bay, on the eaft, which- we faw on our coming, into it,
concluding -it a paflage between the nosth and fouth rp,art of this iiland.. In
the‘evening we were in the mouth of the ihaits*, where we were becalmed* On