They have alfo defcribed a great variety of birds and beafts, heretofore unknown,
or but indifferently treated of j and above three hundred new ipecies of fifh, and
have brought home with them many of the feveral kinds ; with about one hundred
ipecies of new ihells j and a great number of curious infeCts, fome of them of a new
genus; and corals j alfo of other marine animals, particularly of the Molufca tribe»
Copious defcriptions of all thefe curioflties, with elegant engravings annexed,
are now preparing to be publifhed to the world by the above-mentioned gentlemen*
T H E E N D .
& w # tht $ | w & w | w 4 nqg- & w 1 -*jjr n^jr w g f f A . f u jk.'# j o l # # jt& # jdk. # jbIShl jhIIhi. jSSbl 3e(
PREFACE t o t h e A D D I T IO N A L PART.
E Journal of Sydney Parkinfon has obtained the approbation
Wjj* -t’ ¡wt! fe eb le an^ intelligent, by its originality, by the accurate
B S S E f f l l B B cont^ ils,» ^ the exadt defcription given therein of the
countries explored and their inhabitants, by the pertinence of his
obfervations, and by the variety, execution, and elegance of his drawings.
But as repeated voyages have afforded opportunities of gaining a more ex-
tenfive knowledge of the diftant regions he vifited, it has been thought neceffary
to add to it an abridgment of the two fubfequent voyiages of Captain Cook:
and that the reader might be enabled to form a comprehenfive idea of the
whole of an undertaking, which has excited the attention of all nations, fo
much of the prior expeditions of Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain
Carteret, and Monfieur Bougainville, as will anfwer that purpofe, are prefixed
in this Preface.
Ih purfuance of a defign formed by his prefenf Majefty for exploring the Introduc.
Southern Hemifphere (the difcoveries already made being partial and unfatis- p' 1
.faCtory) Commodore Byron, having under his . command the Dolphin and
Tamer, failed from the Downs on the 21 ft of June 17643. and pafling through
the Straits of Magellan into the Pacific Ocean, there difcovered the Hands
of Difappointment, George’s Iiland, Prince of Wales’s Iiland, the Iiles of
Danger, York Iiland, and Byron Ifland.
In May 1766 he .returned to England; and in the month of Auguft following
the, Dolphin was again fent out, under the command of Captain Wallis, with
the Swallow, commanded by Captain C a r te r e t . Thefe fhips proceeded together
till they came to the weft end of the Straits of Magellan, and had the
great South Sea in fight, where they feparated,
* F f Captain