Thie foregoing are all the fpecies of birds they met with in the vaft aqueous
track they traverfed between their departure from the Cape of Good Hope, and
their arrival at New Zealand, ^.nd from the laft mentioned date they> appeared
much feldomer than before.
p. 68. After fo long a continuance at fea, in a high fouthern latitude, it may be
reafonably fuppofed, that many of the people of the Refolution muft be ill
of the fcurvy. The contrary, however, happened. The fwéet\yò.rt, already
mentioned, being givén to fuch as were fcorbutic, had fo far the. deiired
effeft, that only one man on board could be faid to be very ill of this difeafe;
and that was occafioned chiefly by a bad hahit of body, together with a . complication
of other diforders. Captain Cook .does not indeed impute'tfie general
good ftate of the crew wholly to the fweetwort, but partly to the frequent
airing and fweetening the ihip by fires, &c. He alfo allows the portable broth
and four krout’a ihare in this defirable event ;. the latter .of which, he fays, can
never be enough recommended.
p. 69. Having found a good harbour in Duiky Bay, with every conveniency, they
entered it Saturday, March 27, 1773» by a channel fcarcely twice the width of
the ihip, and in a fmall creek moored her head and ftern fo near the ihore, as
to reach it with a brow or ftage, which nature had, in a manner* prepared for
p 70 them in a large tree, whofe end or top reached the gunwale. Wood for fuel and
other purpofes was fo convenient, that the yards wère locked in the branches of
the trees. And about one hundred yards from the fiern was a . fino ftream of
freih water. This fnug retreat Captain Cook named Pickerfgill Harbour,
P 69 after Lieutenant Picketfgill, who, being fent in the boat for that purpòfe, on
their arrival, difcovered it on the S. E. fide of thé bay.
p. 70. As foOii âs the ihip was moored, they began tò clear places in the wood, in
order to fet up the aftronomer’s obfervatory; à forge to repair the iron work;
with tents for the fail makers and coopers; and purfued every other necefiary
occupation: They'alfo began to brew beer from the branches or leaves of a
tree refembling the American fpruce, of which, with the infpiflated juice of
wort and molafles, they made a wholefome beer; and fupplied the place of
vegetables, which this place did not afford. Captain Cook here obferves, that
he had made feveral trials of the infpiflated juice of wort fincè he left the
Cape of Good Hope, and found it to ànfwer in a cold climate beyond all expectation.
‘Captain Cook’s fir ft care having been to fend in fearch of freih provifions,. P- 69*
the fifhing boat returned very fuccefsful, which gave them certain hojpes of
being plentifully fupplied with that article. Nor did the ihoresand woods appear
lefs deftitute of wild fowl : fo that they hoped to enjoy, with eafç, wÈat
in their fituation might be Called the luxuries of life. This determined him to
ftay fome time in Duiky Bay, in order to examine it thoroughly, as no one
had ever landed before on any of the fouthern parts of this country. ' He
having difcovered them during his former voyage in 1770, but without landing Park; '
on any part of the coafl that lay to the- fouth, as related in the foregoing ^ * 2
The few Iheep and goafs they had left (of the former there remained only one p. 71.
ram and one ewe) werenbt likely to fare quite fo well as the people, there being
no grafs,' but what was' cùarfe and harih : 'even this, however, it was to be ex-
peited they would devour .with greedinefs after fo' long a voyage, yet they did
not care to tafte it; this, upon examination, was found to proceed from their
teeth being loofc, through the fea fcurvy, of Which many of them had every
fymptom to an inveterate degree.
Some of the officers, on the 2'8th, went up the bay in a fmall 'boat on a - -,
Ihoofi'ng party, but, di&overing inhabitants, they/ returned before noon- to
acquaint Captain Cook therewith; for hitherto they had not feen thé lead:
veitige of any. They had juif got bn board, when féven or eight people in a
canoe came within mulket' ihot of the (hip, and, having looked at it for fome
time, retired. Nor did all the figns 6f friehdfliip that ebuld' be made .prevail
on them to come nearer.
After dinner.the baptain, accompanied by feveral of the officers and gentlemen,
went in fearch of them In the cove where they were firil feen : there they found
a canoe,