:We h?4 npt ¡been long arrived b?f°r? iPIT!e Indians appeared on the beach at the ■
headipf ihe bityj ifc« S.aptain, Mi- lin k s,, apd Rr. Solapder, went on fhore, and
fcpn pfter retprrved nn board \aitb'three, of them., whppi we clothed-ip jackets*
gpye thWif°m? >biSa,(I PK‘ pf syhich they pte, ,and earrieh the remainder'
with them a(hpre ; We gave ¡Ufim fPm/kn4 t hut.^fter tpfting.it,.
they refuted to drink any mpre, intimating, by, iigns, that it burnt their throats..
This .cirpurnftance may ferye to corroborate the opinion .of thole, who think that
water is the. mod natural, and belt drink for mankind,.as well as. fon otherr
One of the Indians mfade fever^nopgoratidns^to the reft; tint th?y ^er.e utterly
unintelligible fo every-one of us. Another of them feeing the leathern-coyer o£ a=
globe lie in the cabin, found means to fteal it, andvfecrete it under hi^ garment^
which was made of a (kin of-fome animal, and carried it aihore,„undifcovered y,
vyhere he had no footer arrived, than he (hewed his ,pri?e to the very perfon ifc'be—
long,ed to, and feem.ed to exnft,upon: the pccafion-,. plapingjt.uppn his».headlands
was highly delighted with.it...
The natives make a veryuncoutK and favage appearance,[fee ph I.],, haying;
broad flat faces, fmall black eyes-, low-foreheads, and" nofes much like thoie of
negroes, with wide noftfils, high cheeks, large mouths, and fmall teeth. Tbeicr
htair, which is black and (freight', hangs over their foreheads and ears?: w-hichimoit:
,of:them had fmeared with.brown- and red -paint but, like the reft of- the? original,
inhabitants of America} ¡they,; have:, no, heard., None of them feemed above, five;
feet ten inches high, but their bodies are thick* and .robuft, though their limbs-
are fmall. They, wear a bunch of yarn made ,o£ guanica’s * wool-upon their Heads,,,
which, as well as their hair, hangs down over their foreheads.. They- alfo wear
the (kins of guanicas and. of feals, wrapped round their (houlders, fometimes leaving;
¡the.right arm .uncovered. Both men and .women wear necklaces, [fee pl.-XXVL.
flg. 14] and other ornaments made, of ¡a fmall pearly perriwincley, very-ingenioufly
plaited in rows with a kind.of grafs. We faw alfo anornament_made,ofLilxell5jv
An animal fomething like a>iheeg,;:but ofi the.iize of a'.mule„and has-a:ithick^fleece;.