p. 148.
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p. x66.
A V o Y A G E
On the 10th they difcoyered to d , -tvhieh, on a „«UN ap'ptoa'cft, fh'ey found
to be an .Hand of good height, and five leagues in Ckcuit. It is fituated in
latitude a9 2 fouth, and long,tude .68” M eaft; and' was named by Captain
Cook Norfolk Me, m honour of the noble family o f Howard. 6n'lindine
they found .t uninhabited, and were, undoubtedly, the firil that ever fet foot
on it. They obfetved many trees arid plants common at New Zealand ■ but
the chief produce is a fort of fpruce pine, which grew in great abundance,
M large fine. It alfo abounds with cabbage palm, wood forrel, fow
thiflle, and famphire. Here are found the fame kind o f pigeons, parrots and
parroquets as in New Zealand, rails, and fome fmall birds. The coaft does
not want fifh.
On the 19th they anchored once more in Ship Cove, in Queen Charlotte’s
Sound, where they were received by the few natives, on the adjacent lhore
with great coriiahty. They were informed by them that the Adventure had
arrived foon after the departure of the Refolution, and continued there between
ten and twenty days. ' So that they nowbecame perfectly eafy about her.
No material circumftance having Happened during their flay here on Thurf
day, November 10, they weighed! and flood out of the Sound, fleering S by E*
With a.view of. getting' into the latitude o f 54.” or 5j- ; Captain Cbok’s ’¡mention
being,, to crofs this -vail ocean nearly in thefe parallels, and fo as to oafs
oyer, thofe parts, which were left unexpldred' the preceding funiiiier. •
In this manner they proceeded till the 27th, failing’ eaflwa'rd, arid fearching
for land in different directions; when Captain Cook gave up all hopes of finding
any more-, in that oceanj and-came to a refolution to' ftfer directly for the
well entrance of the Straits of Magalhaens, with a defign to coaft along the
fouth fide .of Terra del Fuego; round Cape Horn, to the Strait le Make. As
the wtorld hadribut a very imperfet knowledge of this fhore, he thought the
coafting of it.would,be,of more advantage, both to navigation and geography
than any thing he'cou.Id expect to .find in a higher latitude. They-accordingly
arrived.on that coail on the 17th of December, after a pafTage in which very
few interefting * circumftances occurred.
They now coafted the weft ilde of Terra del Fuegoj the different bearings
and afpe<fts of which Captain Cook minutely defcribes for the benefit of future
navigators; but a repetition of which would be incompatible with this1
abridgment. This coaft he reprefents, and which eorrefponds with Mr. p* 173.
Parkinfon’s. account of the eaft fide of it, (vide Journal, p. 10.). to be the moit
defolate he ever faw: entirely compofed of rocky mountains, without the leaft
appearance of vegetation. The inhabitants, he-adds, whom Monfieur Bou- P-187.
gainville diftinguifhes by the name of- Pe.cheras, from their ufing that word p. 183.
on every oçcafipn,'are a little ugly, half ft&rvedi beardlèfs race; of aliénations p. 187.
the moft wretched..
Barren as this country is,* it abounds.with a variety of unknown plants, and p« 187.
gave fufficient employment to the botanifts. The tree which produces the
winter’s bark, is found here in the woods;, as is the holly leaved barbary* and
fome other forts; they alfo met with a berry, in great plenty* which refembled
a cranberry iu colour, fize, and ihape*
The refreihments to be got here, confift chiefly of wild fowl and fifh; but P-'i86.
the latter appeared to be fcarce, except mufcles, which, are large and well ,
tailed; the former are geefe, ducks, feapies, ihags, and the Port Egmont hen
before: mentioned ;, here is a kind of duck, called by the orewrace horfeS
on account of the great fwiftnefs with which they run on the.water* for they"
cannot fly, the wings being, too ihort to fupport the body in the air;
On, the 23d,,of December they landed on an ifland, which, on accountrof-the p. 18 r.
number of ; geefe found onjt,, obtained the name ofj Goofe Ifland, On the 24th • p. 182.
they fhot feventy-two, which enabled Captain Cook to make a diftribution to
the whole crew; with whi.ch they celebrated next day the feftival of Chriftmas •
in . a , much more chearfuf .manner ; than they ^ad-. reafon,.to expert > roaft: and p* 184.'
bojl;ed geefe, ;gçpfg,-pie$, was. their, ,fare, which,,, with fame Madeira~wine
they had left* enabled, the -¿officers and gentlemen,,, Captai® Cook, obferves, . to
celebrate Chriftmas w^thas much feftivity,, perhaps,, as their friends in England.
Ha4 not Proyidenee thus, Angularly provided for - them,.- their rçheer ,muft, have p- 182.
beçnrfalt; pprjc.and beef.,