ported that the Indians had detained one of our officers who commanded the party
lent out after him j alfo one of the men who accompanied him, and, having feized
their arms, ufed them very roughly j upon which the marines were difpatched in
the long-boat after them, taking with them iome of the natives. In. the mean
time, the natives, whom we had made priibners, not knowing what would be
their fate, were much alarmed j but the next morning the marines returned with
the men that had been detained, with the others that had deferted j and the natives,
whom we had imprifoned, were releafed. After making ftrong profeffions of
friendihip, they left us j and, as foo'n as they reached the ihore, bent their
courfe, as faft as poffible, to Opare, ihewing tokens of difpleafure as they went
During our flay here, Mr. Banks and Dx. Solander were very affiduous in collecting
whatever they thought might contribute to the advancement of Natural
Hiflory j and, by their directions, I made drawings of a great many curious trees,
and other plants j fiih, birds, and of fuch natural bodies as could not be conveniently
preferved entire, to be brought home.
The following catalogue exhibits fome of the principal botanical fubjeCts, natives'
of this place, made ufe of by the inhabitants*
P L A N T S ,of* Ufe for Food, Medicine, & c.. in Otaheite*.
Native Name. Latin Name..
Teatea-maowa,. 'Jafminutn-didymunz,
Grows upon the hills j, has a very fweet-fmelling white flower, which the
natives admire much.
E ava. Piper- ineBrian?.
The exprefled juice of this plant they drink to intoxicate themfelves*
E to. Saccharum-dulcis.
Of this cane they make no fugar, but content themfelves with lucking the juice-
out of it.
E mohoo. - Cyperus-al'atusl
The flalks of this plant, flripped of their pulp, which they perform with »
lharp ihell, make a fort of thread ufed for feveral common purpofes*
Taihmnoo-. ^Pournefortia-fericeav
E tow. Cordia-febejiena.
The leaves of thefe two plants are ingredients in their red dye, or mattee, fof
their cloth*
E marra. Nauclea-ortentalis.
O f the timber of this tree they build their large canoes.
E teea-ree. Gar denia-Jloridal^
This was original v brought from fome other iflandto Otaheite, and there planted
on account of its moil flagrant flower, which they crop as.foon as grown and flick,
in their ears, calling it E teea-ree, that is, the flower, by »way of eminence.
Taowdeehaow* Convolvulus-alatus.
The flalks of this plant, they give young children to fuck.
E oomarra*