was tataowed in the face, and wore a garment made of a fort of filky flax, wrought
very ftrong, with a black and brown border round it, and a weapon in his hand
made of the bone of a grampus. [See pi. XXVI. fig. 22.1 There were feveral
wothen in the canoe with unco.mmon long breafls, and their ¡lips ftained with a blue
In the afternoon, more canoes came to us. Some of the people in them were
disfigured in a very ftrange manner j they brandifhed their arms, and fhewed ftgns
of contempt, while the reft paddled hard to overtake us j and, at length, attempted
to board us. The captain ordered one of the men to fire a muiket over them,
which they did not regard. A great gun, loaded with grape ihot, was fired, which
made them drop aftern j but whether any of them were wounded, we could not
difcover. Several of the canoes had outriggers ; and one of them had a very curious
piece of ornamental carving at the head of it. -
At this time we were doubling the weft point of the land, formed by a fmall
high ifland, and got into very foul ground, the foundings being from fevento thirteen
fathoms, and were afraid of running upon it, but we happily efcaped. After
we had doubled this ifland, which was called Portland I fie, or, according to the
natives, Teahowray, yve got into a fort of large bay, and, the night coming on,
we thought it beft to drop anchor, defigning, next morning, to make for a harbour
in the corner of the bay, where there was the appearance of an inlet. Moft of
the country in view makes in flat table-hills, with cliffs of a white clay toward,
the fea. In the evening, feveral of the natives came, in two canoes, to vifit us :
they feemed to be more friendly than the former j but were, however, fo frightened,
that we could not perfuade them to come on board: we offered them various
things, which they kindly accepted.
On the 14th, we made for the inlet, which wefaw the night before, and, on
coming up to it, found that it. was not fheltered, having only fome low land at the
bottom of it. Ten canoes, filled with people, chaced usj but our fhip .failing
too faft for them, they were obliged to give over the purfuit.
N 2 We