analogÿ:LÆ€©rm:sôÈ.ciffeQi bbaervÆé iby IraYfflle^ ?feî s®iilaiakikîttHê
morestrikingpusbetwéehïthefageJoftwejity audvfiftydilfereBoe
©Æ s^ i is na way deiimtedihy^wrinkteàiof the.':Skm>r$^er^blQiif
f⣠tfeéiiaip, ^bi}idlefcrep*tnde;ctf theiforady, On-éatering^a but,
itj is often ddfieult.c àtaongB adultetpersOns^ to distimmish; thp
father framfcheson|oand not to eonfound onevgeneratioa with
another/* ; |
• We are informed by tha’éaædé author that theioaimplfoshpjn
©f > the Ghaytaas (theo saibe^as * that of; theaothe»
tribes who are nearly in the)sameLatitude»? f/fhisjmiöurfipife-
vmls/laecbrdin§ tö V®n.iHrHiibdid^ fram^«ôéiWatàrblfe-kiij}ii
ôf Quito and Jî"ew- GrÈntidaiite-sthe ihmrninfgaïjiiaijisiipfstth^
Amazonsü BfrJt is not a copper d&lôur; ilh e Æeaoiifei^iiQôiïrf
mt ©<^in<^iaMÂniericâ imlhet description iofothte hatkfecimb^feil-
taötsi” ’«TheieoiDuriaf the/Ghaymaéiand other tribes of this
tegiôQi is i a rfmh Mown, mdimr^p ïâtomcku tatoemf <d b %enèfyt®
aréxblæsfcf, theieytbtöW^Wa^xofcöföa dérkibrdwtt. h
ai îBüeh is: the genetél hâte,, bmiwe^learii frbrq ih.©>sarii63m$itîâ'
lhahiiti iBfiiotfwakdtsall Some deviations occur, andeai (lighter
mMtiidisplays âtselfdiliHè;saysBtha$aat> Bsiheralda^éèhftitire
thesEiver Orinoco, edns^iibntiydn aüsfiory^fv^di
jregioji^o Mui>Banpïamd and hdmseMiasaWîhli^ahsjaofgaiiMss
tawnÿ colour, but still with black hair. He r^dAsiatóögthftt
the old accounts of the earliest voyagers to those regions
represent some of the natives, as those ofcParia, to be
oP«: miidh ifairerrgcdÖunithani timtmoiwc^evateùhaianongkthé
generality of the" ihhabèfeahtsr; 3 The tdimate of Paria, as we
learn from him, is remarkable for the great coolness of the
mornings/ Thelahabitantexof^Pafia,, according/to> Feidittlind
GolumbuH>rwere;litettOTî!mdde, (inore icivilised^ and whitei’rthMi
the-paoptelwhomr theidiseovtereii«f-Amerifea had. till thdn seen.
IMfo many® ffoer writers ate more particular in s their account.
FtfbmHumfooldt h as collected the passages frotn these authors,
although* he doubts, rtbeh< accuracy. /They- havp,o however,» in
favour of their truth the advantage of numbers with the
common <mafk%of ^.çreptness/and- uniform*testimony,,land a
minute and circumstantial statemetîfe ë ifjrMre.c'!|®iÿabèlfevé
these writers, the old inhabitants of Paria were clothed,
5weoe#teàrlÿi White l^henfÉote'gKpefeödjdffièhajsuBls rays,; and
!hadda^iflowingîiMiB®ftÀyW0ll®w®rJaôbsiarh eokmiu $j
h Iti’segiös tabeïthe ophtiéméf BwbatvpnrMumboldtóhRt all
dHèséaa&Ws^wiiosoefen^aa^gi^8'®^®1^3^ ^ 8® ^ *bai\ie somè
éôsnoefâon sbetsvean &em|üaibdnltealiiyïofûoa©®àoE&j^d
“ The Oaribbees «properly speaking, viz. thos,e whà dnhabit
tbe-iMisöionmöf thés Gaarbins tbee^MÔs’nf Ghnnaèaj the bàhks
of thoiÖatieëy oandr the plafess&oettenetEi^easf of< feHé)s«îïcts
<^4hwÖtineöó|Wte90^ them ateo^igi^ntteisize
Jî IWoef«feaadfeiijrn»i-/ïtl»é psiruGontialmt.
MüstâtasnbihisiaiecOTfflit bdJadmitfednfchai tbeGaohbeeSiarè an
isntitely distónöt race, and; <fchads<^eo6kiSFff ansihöd the Tsmal.w
hriteiModyOhd) (^ItelotronspipEwiishjtiiem jbfótóükaiótei i Apemg
«ftfóélfflsRaB'itileiöatóüe femilyrouerBiaaCh maycRequirëlhn eaétral
ïfl^i^^'d6^8Ï®jtónïSidr5wfc ferganiàaÉiont^ç Thd mènntaineea^of
the Tyról .andxidfi bh© ^èMmijè>sèrfeBVtallfaydl»dr ^fe&ldtfcer
GbiffianiöJraeéS jxrthh IteafoyidiscfofalM JMteioff eAah sfedEtle
and squat as those) oftéh©fseàveoasfe Ii3Bgtheîasffn8.firffl,iïnôrj)Lt
wbuldöèa-MofflVtê-ö denythafe^he iöhlibMaèrë ïfalÆribhde^
and-ytó^'metwithstending^jthe MeMitÿ mf sMieiti languages)
whate àioetrikii%iWi^æiMepiânt their Matpr©and^-phyâf!id
höhsthÜtioAib’l ^ ' i
>Barc^aph A^Qpw\&atûmk amiiha.cOtógiteTaBKl.fïHisÉo^r
iu s of tbd C amibesvU : i
Préfesiori^Bter‘hasï colleéiedovaiâoùsiipàssagp from Heter
Martyr abd yherLetóiwrhers>iibyWhinhTwöddarnïfhat almoüón
for merly Lptevdilefl x daiiviâgîf th®a tGa»aibeadiH»mi the (extreme
pointxxrf sNdrth AAteerieart otlaoa ûoe relations :3®foa( iti!avell£Éi,
AlfeOso loghedapiBDpeath Aihérièayilito isitrfepörted thatidîé
came, in tbe :piTotincé Of EFraba, to a»pkLGô« teriB.ed: Gmibarift,
' *« fej|0feB«ttndfi(toie,oa
\/ïh‘.ii. 8. sadism 1