country extended tó the northward of the Charruas, Bóhuriës;
and MinuaneS; to the parallel of lf6° S. L., without paBsihg
to the westward of the rivers Paraguay-and Parana, ^except
at the .two extremities14 of this line-;- that'is, it1' occupied the
territory of San-Ysidro and Las Conchas, near BueriosAyrësy
arid the southern rise of the river towards the thirtieth de^tfee
with all its* islands; towards the northern extremity St:,'ph#éêll
to the westward of the river Paraguay, and penetrated into
the »province of Los Chiquitos,. as far as the great Cordillera
of the Andes, where there was a great number of this nation
under the name'.of Chiriguanos'. But we must observev that
between the-Chiriguanori* or the Guaranis1 of*Los Chiquitos
and the great body of the same people, there was a vast
space- of intermediate country occupied by a variety of Idif-
ferent nationsP We must also observe that in* thri^Oafe-gpiefe
JTssigned to the tjuarani nation, ^ thèiri Wëï% -othër~’ Iribfes
included within it, add surrounded by it on‘all pidëélU Thèée
were all very different from each‘ Other,IpNwillid#ffr^E’the
Guarani. The Guarani natiofiT occupied !thiS"prodi^Ot##E^ii*t
of country in separate hordes*, witlmut'^anyitpolMeal rid#-
nexion, and without acknowledging the authority o frin ^
common chief. The ' destiny of this nation ^as»*hh^OT:
different in different regions; all the hordes which thbabitëd
the immense ’ country possessed- by the 'Portuguese ‘!were deduced
to a state of slavery and sold; and-as they wéte mixed
with Negroes imported from Africa, it has edme -to pass that
the Guarani nation has been in those countries almost annihilated.
Very’different has been the conduct of'théfSjSémiarids;
they have either left the^ Guarani undisturbed' in thé ëöjby-.
ment óf liberty, 'or they have reduced them in their missldrii,
which weré- principally inhabited by the Jesuists,: oil the
Parana and Uruguay, between the twenty-seventh and thirtieth
degrees of south latitude. At the suppression of the order
in 1767 thesedaborious missionaries had converted 87s,*000
savages to the Christian faith; and had settled them as the
peaceable inhabitants of thirty great villages in the dioceses
of Buenos Ayres and Paraguay, to which two modern villages
have been added. Hervas, from whom this account is
extracted, says, that the Guarani language is spoken in thë
vast diocese,-of Paraguay, not-only by the natives but by the
-Spaniards themselfes. What is^veify remarkable, according
to the s^na'e.'-jwritp^V although therjeyiS; no communication
between the ^vage-h^jR&pIpf' 0u;amniy i.t|ie same language is
^pokcn. amoqg them all‘ --with scarcely any difference of dia-
^§et., This remark applies to‘; the-j Guarani of Paraguay and
tfos Chiquitos, and include thotee of the Brasil^’ and
sthe tribes, allied to this racg^in the' ^countries’ farther to the
north.: ;
jPaX^?:hp»|v4,TrnOf the Western Tribes of Gtjarani. »
GlSiapi- me the?iitribesi.4termed; Guarayos;
The! jQuaeayihWere civilised' by
Iher Jesuits, and/ redp#d iunde^ their,, celebrated-missions of
thej Chi(|uit©s.11 In thb JWfoOds jbetween »the .Ubiquites {and the
IVfoxris «there ia^e/stiU some» tribes of savage ,Guarayi. ildUMiir
^he^ame missionswere.alsoTedrieBdrgome1Qf,theil©hiriguanos,
•Who. inhabit the, country between the. Pdqomayo and Santa
Cruz'ii, ^mehofftheSe people: are ^ i w i t h j m. - t b P e r u
and Tarija. DohriYhoffefc-isays that their language!is a dialect
of^th^nGuafariT wery ; little ^prrupte^y,
some tradition ,they; inhabited i tbis country -inf the, time of the
Inca: Yupanqai.- The Pagan Chiriguanos^, are formidable to
all their -neighbours., t
, According . to Abbate Gilii the Guarani, language is spoken
with purity by the natives, of one hundred and sixty villages
•between the great •river of;, Chaeo and that, qf Mapayo of
Santa Cruz, in the valleys of- the Andesi To the northward
of Santa Cruz are the barbarous* Si dopes;* who speak a
.dialect of the Cliiriguaniun- rind,eon4bqnentlyof the Gua-
ranian language.
;> d’Orbigny has' givqm some further accounts of thesi
tribes. The following table willigive some idea of their
numbers in comparison with the tribes of the same race in
Paraguay. t