• • the Mundrucus, the Muras, the Cariguanos, ot Oari men,
(Caraibs?), the Arwakis (Arawaks?^cth& Cari|»unas opiGari-
puras (Caraibs?)
The seventh subdivision comprehends ninety different tribes
inhabiting the province"* o¥ the "Rio'^e^ro* The Only people
among Of all conspicuous are theiParirpurhs
or Piebald-men and1 the* Yurds, a nation:- still* considerable
in numbers on the Yiipara.
■M s
:W iiifS it•
| l | | 7 ■■I
||& .. ■ *
iUnlïÉ i'
S e c t io n IV.—Native M'dceè- b f the Terra
America, or the NorthemTtivision o f that GaAÛmnl.
. The remoQ’bP^euth^Amenca termed th e . TerràdPMnUîis
the northern" tract of that Continent facing the Gulf of Mexiu®.
-It reaches from the1 ffiouth o f the River Orinoo©»lt0* tte4'%ridt
angle of the gulf, wheretheAtlantic approadhêS* ifMêMetSdf
the Cordillera near the Isthmus of Darien. To thesouthwiMl
Or to#ards the interior it’toay'be^êônsîdOïOdü;ai3 e^teédiiigi. as
far as the higher IaOdS! ! which s^^Urate thé bâsMi)of thO sMià^
ragöori'from that-of the Orinoco; *
In thb'lfrâsiliàn cOutttEies * and Paraguay tve »havenoö-
sërved thee fexistehce Of onéjraeé' o f people 4<^ttéreü! S oven tbfe
whole extent df those vast régions, while d o réhèr pàTtsiofbthe
saine countries many nations of different Méage are : interspersed
among the--Separated' hr anches of that • stock. Wfe
shall have to toake a similar rettfark in the countries which we
are about to survey.
takes the place of the Guarani, and is in-dike manner spread,
while there are scattered through the same countries tribes af
a different origin.
Thé names of- these tribes were first made known by the
Abbate Don Filippo Gilii, who resided long.-as • a-imissionary
among the nations^ o f thçOrinoco, and after the expulsion
of the Jesuits retired t’ó Renie, whetè li<â‘ wrote a history of
the Countries whieh had bèeri the Scene of bis labours. In a
subsequent corrèSprindeilée with the great- philologist. Hervas,
Abbé Gilii cbn firmed and particularised Ms> statements.
Hervas, from the fnfOrination furnished fey Gilii, has given the
fblhawingii sb ofg dialects, related . to. > the Garaibean language^
which) as he says.,:are:spoken; on the Orinoco and its çontri-
butary streams.
Tribes of the Caraipe, Race?
i, rAkerécotosiiiï- 14 Jfation of Women*
2. r’A:kjl&ffitQiOii' -/ B : QyA -m
3. Areveriano. *Mq Palcnktio 1
4. Arinacoto., Pareko.
IA" Avaricoto. 18. Pariacoto.
-G ûman®effc. 0% \cJSU5PlpdOÖOtÓ. ;_
7. Guakkiè. is .Payï|te«,^|
p i Guaikme; 21. Tamanaco.' -
ü&iiGuanero. m m .Hararinakuru., g
IQw Ruikiripoh ;t mSên rJJ arakanpachiji;rjy
(hiv;oMaCurptov tox 9.J4?;
tl2i;H|dakirkaribj;o ►d^'iisîâw? "il
E /Mapoye.' 0
m ^llfltheSCH lapguage^£^aysgdhp.e-Abb^o^dnaf g^ymbean
diaJeefeli toOtherf dialects differing but little from o&Cfft
spoken along the coast of
■Garaocas. vA
ifey tl^mationjp# Anf^^^otfAga^a]^,; which is very numerous
:aodi(;inbabit&; thft>cpait,. baycw<fe t b a t ^ .tlte'
•mou.th8>©f tl^Oa|inooO) v8nd'lgv^5jCbnypndf^fee
Ghaimie andithe Darieh!orrs©ari§b'iwhj©hQ^ spp^en
isthteUSr o f thafc?rnaB^jri§f®lppps§di£Sfe% sfeef-a
dialeob iof thejtwidelyl sp£eadn12a$ail>j5an language, i^|)ich yf§|s
.the idiom ssfothe^Antilfeslj^w^TaftfPf the ,gf^sb£go^.the
:&traitS; of 'Panama totheOrinoedv g,
It seems to have been a discovery of latg^^mtfeo^lUltffee
GhaymaSj aii inland- people^ belong 4n9^ 6l§amai'^pck|fqr at
,least (S^ak:a .cogpatc idiom*;
Trib^ not of the (^raibe Race.
«Besides - tbe Garaibean diaJecta .arK?^ ;of^different
laugudgOa-arfe onqmeratedibyiGiUi i*andv« 4n
the>;sailne: ropfonl'*; The * f#m&rkaW$iv£> tb#p^ di^inct
Itoiguageaor families