by the Rio Doce and; its tributaries have been described as
among the lowest of the human race on the continent of
South America, tf .Wandering, isavagejland all but naked, they
rendered their repulsive countenances more' Ugly by the insertion
of billets, of wood in thei^perforatedtóps and ears,* and
cannibalism is said to- have beep-practised among theWn.i By
the- exertions of .Guido MarHpre*/ towhom 1 communications
were made on the part of this S-oeiety almost at the corpt
mencement, Guido Pocrune, u.Botoeudo Indian of greatin&T
titejtelentó was-introduced totemVes$ng& p^nwtóisation? and
Christianity, and his new a(^uireiniQ^.|WfiffP^incjNd $8
auaelioration; of his counferym^i» , HiSi;e^r.tion^)'hnt,e>rl®en
crowned ^with signal success, and fournsectionsof the barbat
rous tribes hate laeen brought nndeb4herinfluenG#Lof)‘Céiv4föat
tion and taughfeDtp. cultivate Uheifr. spil* feom which>itbey>havfe
raised not only enough for their own. supporty but a-surplus^
which has been the means of. rescuing ©vena iporrion.rof the
white Brasilians from famine and- starvation. >fiUseÊül: Jhws
have been, introduced among them*, anjd GuidotRocranö? in
thevcriminaf code which, he has-.established, ha&r set-am example
which le^sJatorsi/tbCJherediterytiprdfe^ofs^f^hr^-
tianityy; would- do- well to imitate, in ithnltotaldexelusidh of
capital punishment, ,
,v2.\ The Goïtacas* of whom - three tribes are known. ‘They
are .mostly: civilised andi settled befween , the, .riyers, gM-acabé
and Cabapoana. -Others, still independente rove about ip the
woods i near -Bio iXipoto ga These; are i the? people- termed- 'Coro-
ado%idr f^Thnsured/^-by the-Bortuguese^ Ttóèy^are described,
and a portrait of one of-themis given, in, the tr avels, o f. Spix
and Martias. ?
J n the-samo eountty the tribe of i Coropos is also found.
3. The Puris, on the rivet'i Paraiba, are. also described and
figured-by 'the- - same! writers : they appear to ‘he a .people of
very fair complexion,> and -with, broad and*flatj?fac,es,:
d ieventeen;; other? - are mentioned among the inhabitants
ofithesamO countries, whose, names and abodes -are alone
pm.arkable^-qJjBome of them^are civilised j others remain wild
and independent.
The second and third subdivisions of this class of . nations
in the 'entteerfettoii of Dr. Martius consist principally of-tribes
w h o Wilfbe* deëërilrëd!i*P a! followii^ chapter as belonging- to
fhd third §#etioht'br iMidltfld^Kations of! South America. The
following ar'e -tO beexceptedt'*(I
M. d*Otetgt^: i among the
Guarani tribes, but there seems to bedo terfson for-concluding
them to b u ?of * that racepèxcipti mbtely their physical charae^
tets.> •'They aroua> peoples'ofi^yety fen- complexion. ^ Their
nUnfb'ëfS- èfemteryl é&ëidéröblè.r^ Thè^linhutö .te®»JCoMat^
U ^ r ithe^yowcds1 of the Tacoary und tltenAtmguaya to the
nèHh-lvferd o f 1 0 am upouö>m o
11 a The* Were4 a pfehceaMwutii industrious peopteniI they
huboubêéft almostexterminated by the lEort-u^tesei' They
tnhahited<the! Western* bidëtefi thh ^Campos dos PaTfepst'and the
declivity towards GaapOte-oll the tabtöilmidtof MatolGrosso^
whicltdS^Me^rdatbigh-iUlttd thufc sfepatetes* Ahe/northerns front
the iouAern^iyefU'Of fpouth Ameriou;->na
-wöe^dés ihe itetecis teifty^ne^'Other tribeSiate onutaerated
in thwööuiitrièwin the* eastern and wekorn sidesof the same
jdate&UT Thei r . - names. Which i t* Would! die:* hiselbss to-copy,
may beteeen ^m te e memoir o f -
: j> The fourthteubdiuisidn offBrasilian tribes1 tiistinötTrpM* tee
Tupi are aboriginal hordes of the great prbviöcO?dfiGoydstóiltn--
Uted between? tee^tefig^item- of Aï%göayitarfïTObaatins.l Tffere
?#e ^^enteentuatibns in this! subdivision. The t^yaf* wteguve
'tfètafë te' thepto^teö@<are extandtUï ThuMès and «tlm^Grdnfeiör
Timbirimute thbiim^t'eonsiderafele nations ^ tek^foupès. * :
[; The fifth? ■>subdivisionneotiteMs^4riwho1 inhibit '©iaufey,
•MsfrahhSpvjigaoteoiiatewnf «teBihlki towiidss tesouxtrème
eastern part of the Brasilian territory. Tfeeror ate'-iilkfoen
tribefei'Of^tM^^tettpbriO'-ïll^^éPé ihèsliynMettlrdnkioéillt^es
Uhder the Portuguese- goteimmfentj^ i *
• The sixth subdiyMop contains wibes- inhalutir^ the! pte^ince
of Para alongUhUrRiver of Am^orisund 'its OonflueötS; É
"Jf ‘Pèrty^Six tribëS1 ate enumerated in f thiSJWèfedivisión,1 The
tribes atoofig’ them thatnarestolerably welt known^érfe' thosè
of the’ Tapa|otey! who^give name: to-tlte ri#mt«etdled ifter them’,
Journal tof the Reyal öèogTUSöG.' loci-eit;-' 1 ■
1 L 2