and thence extend* south along Teaser's River towards the
Straits of Fuca.*
3. Tb the9southwardf ofin the«uktriahsIi& theritribe called
Spokane or* Flut-héads>: Jthëy occupy vthe country on tbeijC®?
lutnbia about FoPtColville^ atm ^iséanca fröm! the coast and
bet Ween the two 3 èhaitis ?of ^Hioantains e
In t h ^ physical attributes theriSpokane a$ërinteïmiedi&tej
as we are*inft)iwiêdy| bet-weon the tribes ofthe coast and'those
of the Rocky Mountains; • In stRtureiRndi proportions they
are^superior to the Lower Chenooksitod/ihe Chik@eJeriéribë|
but inferior to the Nez Ferqésil oTKfey. ham>naotei>ja£ Sbcial
affection in their character than mask of the /Amjérican^iabo?
rigines. The women have great authority among^theSnpand;
ins intëfmarriages! ^between different trihe^; whliehf now bften
takel place, the husband associates^ himself toirthfólpebplejdè
whom his wifc belöngs. bf
ThenuiAberof persohs who acppaidiAO speak ttódialectffSF
this race iseëfcimated by the missionaries at-hjö.0(^M
4. TheSbahapten^bïSaptinjOrlïëzrFleBcés^ooet^y/tliésOOUïtf
try oh the higher waters o f th o S a p tto m rLewisisi Raver to/th f
south-east öf th ë Spokane. Thevmeaning.fjGdTj^eman^jpvejTito
these' people seems to be unknown. • «They!agKdjaidedSii®
é lk sse s^ th e* *Mëz Perbês proper,Lwho unhatfit the« mountain^
and the Polónéhes, who in h a b ü th e plain country about the
mouth Of Shake River.§ The Kliketat^ who - live near Mount
Rainier and about the falls of the Columbia, and the Okana^-
gaiT hear thé "Uppers Wate^ of Frater’s River, are. offsets, of
this tribe a rid ; Speak dialects of theï*same language, The
Kawitchen tribe are apparently a '< mixed people descended
from the Shahaptans and Nootkans, as they are intermediate
in situation. ||
• 5. The Walla-Walla are a tribe living near the river Walla-
Walla, which falls from the southward into the .Columbia.
The fólïoWin^déa'brïéf aAèoant of this race and of -the Ra-
youse Indians ih their* neighbourhood, communicated by Dr.
Gardner, whd ‘visited the country, to Dr. Scouler.
* Gallatin, p.134. ' t Wilkes, ubi supra.
X flxploriug Expedition. - , § Gallatin's Synopsis, p. 25Ö.
' || Dr. Schuler, p. 225.
- ‘é Tbonations'èf theapiaiii on the Other ride ipf the Rocky
Mountains are celebrated for their warlike incursions on the
Black-feet, Bigibriliié^iöiftie^landoPtegafné* or -Blood Indians
on this side. Of these tribes the last are the -.Bióósb »maaero*»'.
The Rayousè? Indf&n^uri^Tritte a differèütotribe from'the
Walla-Walla ? 'they aife^stouter andnrDrsstathlstic^fand gerno-^
rally* sixsfeeb Mgh.: aTfey^haie *a r dignity fan itihriar gait and a
gravitJrrin theindeineanour notfpossessedl by>the. latten« Th ey
xprisider i t a «-degradation Jo uJarry atWailMWa»llai Woman,
ttóugksthe-WallaMWalla men niake* frecfuenfe marriageg^with
the f Rayous'e'’ wornen. v Tfle Rayonse do/not muster Rnore than
78iJmen | J thm Walia-Wallasy including wiOten' and $ ehildreat,
dboub2§®.”3 - *
3-^1 attended* the;-réligióasiiièibiGes^v©j|j(the; WalIa*WallaSi
The' whole tribe riereï assembled“ rin the.Craab ; ripatt^d> on
their hams: thé chief men, arranged im af circle? officiated;
Thb>assdm:hly ^ene tarried towards this circle. The service
began by thès* chiëfte makingHaishafct \aflieessi which &WM *£0*
pêateéfbp a fcgr a
pikydr t a#icertainiliteïvals roerei was fa<paMse/Whlenf!all*pro-r
©èütomtteredn ®igikapnLojAfiter'ithe^praye^d thfe ‘ftpagrfgltóóit
j^k©dnihötó»|[ii^Rby«Éais. Ttemkgfwére #i®ples|^ s ^ h lin g
#höiiRoa0tOö(dd®ïiidiancuéng wW®puddlfi% 4hiéir9?pno^¥»4W
kiptcgOod/Ttimev) Tbèj byinnsdwdre suécaedddnbtSO% -pBaJssfe
to d ffieu theisctviicbreödèdJri Hl mISs s^ucki ^itiN s fe lê a f
nessjltodfïreVciffinaBdafoth® srböfo ^afeiemblyHCic{41bi^e%iiWeSf
fixed1 oil theagrpundy aPdsladtfi hot.^eefOno^fReddPWMfei1^
I t fe ahopfc fivet^earairined thjöseAMgMfQto^|il1éiB|?v%y ftpippg
thé InditosLOfthc ‘TOppan r
^,vpn of the channel jttough;which
to practise the rites of religious worship.
tribe; inothescöuatry tooutdtbess©fithMOihri#jli
orILewis iRifeeri P #
tliè chatoêl ofiéhei^C®lutufeianso8e®ienaf^eff Ab&kiAfefU
the same racesksolhife
is said to be.still remembered by the Shoshones. The Snake