natives of which arefEsquimaux. They have also the same
habit of euttidg’thfough the üiadei^Jip in females: and making
à second tfpeFture to the month, which ptêviails at Port des
Français. This and the other customs of the inhabitants -of
Norfolk Sound connect them!-ate® with the natives ^©f Port
Mulgrave : they resemble the latter people- in their make;
shape, and features, ' and in language. The natives of Port
Mtrigfeve are thu#^described by (Captain Dixom *,
“ Theyhre- in general about , the middle size, their lhaabs
straight and well shaped, but, like the rest of; the inhabitants
we have seen on the coast, they are particularly fond o f .painting
their faces with a varietyof colours,-so that tos.'«® easy
matter to discover their real eomplexion ; however | we prevailed
on One woman by peïSuaâonïandih trifling^igÈiinlito
wash her face and »hands, and the alteration St> in/hdr
appearance absolutely-surprised us ; her countenance hn^ iall
the cheearftd glow of an EngJishanilk-maid, and tjhfe beastfliy
red which-flushed her cheek wasM#en-.ibeaii^»%i^^il8M
with the whiteness of her: neck ; her eyes were-„lpiaek,!and
Sparkling) her eyebrows of the same colour and -most beautifully
arched ; h e r forehead sootema*khbfy-^el^^ijtàs%i#ièL
tranluöeiit veins were seën meandering even in; their minutest
branches : in short she was what wouldfibeijmokonedi handsome
even in England.” * He adds that their .teauty?às
entirely destroyed by the artificial mouth which all the IémaléS
A comparison of the vocabularies obtained by Dixon and
La Pérouse»,- and -of various particulars id ;the descriptions
of the nations above-mentioned, with fire accounts »given by
Von Langsdorff, Davidoff, and by Von Resanoflf, and» other
Russian voyagers, oF the Kolushian tribes, and with the
specimens collected of their language, enables us to conclude,
without any degree of hesitation, that all these nations belong
to ode race. f j “ The Koluschians,” according to Von Lamgs-
dorff, “ are for the most i part of. middle .stature and strong
make? they have black hair and large fiery eyes; and without
displaying the characteristics of the Mongolian race -they
Page 171.
have a broad-flattened; ndse, wide oheek-b.ones, and strongly
marked Stern foatwes. The-colour of their , skatt- is defiled
with earth and »with| .which they smear themselves;
but in-women and girls-who - have ;been cleaned from all this
stain, the slpn has beenifounch&s.- white as that, of-anyEurd-
pearh The women-wear^&‘piebe'-of »wood through; a.hole in
their low©»-lips .lib »<
* I shall con.olpde m-yf tofountfofHhis ^fees-with extracts from
■:-a physiological- and" pathological> -memoir, by ,M-;- Rollin, who
accompanied.!'! the unfortunate LatP^eropse. This memoir is
evidently drawnJ-up- wkh ^aecpracyi^and minut^sobservation.
Tt«*»e0»&a®nSi remarkSi^on. theI*n a/tives^of (Shfli^siqf |C|ifl-Cornja,
and on those- of the country -near the Bale; des Fran^ais,- who
«Wre'iC^'the: K'olOshian race. It isoiaid .that ** »these people
have' very little»»resemhliancie tot the i Galifornians.-i They are
larger, more robust, of; a more agreeable;;figure,oS]ascgptible
bftfche' greatest- vivacity1-oft efeftessCon^
icburage and .--They; haye-ratber a low- forehead; .but
a more'Open- one than the Americans of the-south-; black; and
lively-beyiaspamti/ohhthicker eyebrows;, a noseiiof iSntggAflar
.shlapeiaudisike, 'gather wideeat th© (extremists lipi^ipt fleshy,
a mouth of» middle size; - fine; arid; welfoset teeth & - and theehin
and CaiPS 'vefy^^slabi^ -Theiauthor ©bseiv«Sethat ;hhgi&ej©ur
ipf thtfskin variesx.m shades;» feme being fairer» thann others,
and tthosC sparts of -the body whkh iarel eypQsed-b^iog darkest.
The complexion has a tinge of the olive colour.
The »hair is notlsoH strong and bltekeafdo. j^frSppftern
Americans, and I
its -colour was- thatofi a chesnuh- -Th^yhayie a .fls|ler beard
and more hair on other parts'; of »the -bodythan somepther
Americans.” .
...i-This brown.' huefof thehair indieatesja remarkable approxi-
mation to the» complexion of the- Northern Europeans.
I t . appears\ front' these! uGcmtetS!i fcb&t -tbe^peppfe the
western tcoast) of America; consisting; of several distinct races,
aria as white • as the inhabitants o^Euirapd. </This remark applies
*t@ the-1 nations bCtwteea 'the» ^oouutny q&th© .Esquimaux,
towards the north, and the neighbourhood of Port Discovery
in the south in the 48th degree of north latitude. It is im